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A week later:

"Dad!" I yelled when he took my ice cream and almost ate all of it. I looked at him as he was giving me the look.

"Here I don't want it anymore-" I said handing him the ice cream that HE bought for me. Before I could give it he grabbed it and shoved it on my face before he started to laugh.

I felt the cold vanilla on my face as my jaw dropped.

"You did not!-" I said before I grabbed the pasta from his plate and throw it on him which made him have red souse on his face.

"You disrespectful little brat-" he said as he throw some on me as well.

"That's what happened when someone take my food!" I said as I stood up and went to hide behind the counter.

I opened the fridge as I took a handful of the cake my mom made before I throw it on him and felt the ketchup on my face.

"Dad!" I yelled as he was laughing.

"I miss these days..." he muttered between his laugh before we started to throw pasta on each others.

"Oh my god- never mind." Jake's voice came before he walked to the freezer and grabbed an ice cream.

Dad throw ketchup on him which made his jaw drop as I started to laugh.

"You look like an idiot-" I muttered before he smashed his ice cream on my head and I slapped him.

"Asshole!" I yelled as he grabbed the ketchup and held it on me.

Soon the whole kitchen was red as the knob turned and my mom came to the view. She slammed with the door when she saw what's happening before she placed her purse on the couch violently.

"We're fucked..." my dad whispered as I was trying to to laugh.

"What the hell Robert?!" She yelled looking at my dad.

"I thought I left them with an adult! And then I come back to this?!" She started as I was feeling the ketchup through my clothes.

She turned to me and Jake before she sighed.

"There are homeless people out there that wish to have something to eat! You can't just throw with food- I didn't raise my children that way!" She yelled pointing her finger at me.

I looked at Jake as he gave me the don't say anything look or it'll get worse.

"I can't- clean this shit up and I swear if the kitchen isn't glowing when I come down you'll both get grounded!" She said before she walked upstairs and my dads phone buzzed.

"Work is calling." He said making my jaw drop.

"Hell no- where you going?! You are helping us!" I yelled as he chuckled and headed upstairs.

"That's what happens when you guys don't listen." He said before he disappeared making my jaw drop. I looked at Jake as he was already starting to clean.

"Oh my- lord-" I grabbed the tissues before I started to clean this shit.

Couple of minutes later dad walked down with his uniform looking dead serious.

"Everything okay dad?" I asked as I was trying to get the red sauce of the fridge.

"No- these ghetto kids are gonna be the death of me." He muttered before he slammed the door close and I looked at Jake.

"What?" I asked as he spoke.

"I'm glad you aren't seeing him anymore cupcake- he is gonna hurt you." He said making it hard not to argue as I forced a smile.

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