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"You're such a dick Taylor." I said between my chuckles before Jaden spoke.

"He is...a little one-" before Jaden could speak Taylor hit his stomach and made him shut up. Me and Staisy looked at each other as we bursted out laughing.

"Where is Jake?" I asked grabbing my burger.

"Isn't he your brother?" Taylor's voice came making me roll my eyes.

"Funny cause you see him more then I do-" I said making him give me a dramatic hahaha.

We were at a restaurant eating cause we have break now and no one wanted to stay at school so we drove here.

"So who's coming? There is a DJ coming." Said Jaden taking a big bite of his burger.

"I am- I'm still surprised your mother let you." I muttered making Staisy talk.

"I bet he haven't even told her." She said making Jaden roll his eyes.

"I have. She's just trying to be more modern." He said making me chuckle.


"So the next few weeks will be stressing, I know but you need to go through this. The next test is next week the 4." She said before she grabbed her things and walked out.

I sighed as I stood up and grabbed my books. I went out the class as the bell went on and all the other doors opened as well.

I walked to my locker before I placed the books I don't need in and headed out towards the main door to finally go home.

"I'm driving get in!" Yelled Jaden slamming his door close as I smiled and walked towards his car.

"Today was a nightmare, you won't even believe what Mrs. Jazz said." I muttered opening his airbag to see a bunch of snacks as usual.

I grabbed a bag of Doritos as I opened it.

"No shit- I didn't even know we had a test for today I'm totally failing-" he muttered making me speak.

"I'm not surprised..." I whispered under my breath as he gave me the look making me chuckle.

After we reached he dropped me off and drove off even though my mom was yelling for him to come in and eat dinner with us.

"How was your day?" My mom asked as I throw my things on the floor.

"Okay I guess..." I said before I realized there that she is making lasagne for dinner.

"Oh my god-" I said walking towards her as she smiled.

"I was craving this-" Isaid as she spoke.

"I know that's why I made it- could you help me do the salad? The vegetables are all washed and ready." She said making me mutter as sure.

"I'll just fresh up and come down." I said before I grabbed my things and headed towards my room.

I took a shower before I placed an oversized shirt on reaching my knees. I didn't want to dry my hair so I decided to let it dry naturally before I walked back downstairs.

"So...for your dad's birthday, it would be next week last day of your finals so you don't have anything you and Jake are stressing over, your Aunt with the kids will be here as well-" she started as she washed her hands and grabbed a tissue.

"I don't know if Jaden will bring his girlfriend but if he don't you know she don't need an invitation." She said making me smile as I chopped the cucumber.

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