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2 days later.

I chuckled as she spoke.

"See- look how beautiful you are smiling-" she said hugging me as I placed my head on her lap and looked out the window.

Two days have passed. I didn't call. I didn't want or felt like wanting him. He haven't either which I'm disappointed in.

Does he hate me now because of my dad?

"D-do you think he's regretting what he did?" I muttered as she was playing with my hair.

"I don't know peaches...I still can't believe what he did." She said making me close my eyes as I relief a breath.

I can't believe what he did either.

"Do you think maybe he didn't mean it- I mean his best friend died after all-" I said making her stop playing with my hair.

"You gotta be joking now right? He almost hit you Angelina! Let's not forget the awful things he said- no way you are trying to defend him after you came shaking to my house!" She said pissed as I sighed.

Silent went on before a knock on the door came and Jake's voice came.

"Pizza is here!" He yelled making her jump out the bed as she grabbed my hand.

"I m not hungry-" I muttered to tired to get out of bed.

"Shut up- And yes you are let's go!" She said forcing me out as I sighed and stood up. We headed downstairs before Jaden and Jake came to the view along with Tylor buried in the fridge.

Staisy walked to Jaden as she kissed him. Yeah they are together now. I sat down on the floor as I pulled the pizza box closer to my moth and grabbed a piece.

"Why happened to you? You usually always wear dresses you look depressed" said Jake making me give him the look.

"You guys really don't understand period pain do you?" Said Stayis lying trying to cover up. They started to talk as my head was in another place.

Mom is not home. I haven't seen dad since the fight since he got double shifts and I'm thankful. I don't know how I'll react when I see him.

After we finished they decided to watch a movie as I walked upstairs to my room. I wanted to shower. As I opened the door to my room he came to the view looking down my desk.

I closed the door quickly before I locked it.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked looking at him as he started to walk towards me making my back hit the door.

"Stay away..." I muttered not wanting him near me. I could still hear his voice in my head the other day and I can't have him near me. 

"I- I do-" he started making me shake my head no.

"Leave Roan- please just leave." I whispered as he kept walking towards me making me want to get out of this room. 

He stopped in front of me as he was looking down at me. I was trying to bury myself deeper in the door but it was impossible.

"I'm sorry-" he whispered again taking another step closer.

"I-I don't want you near me-" I muttered looking up his eyes. He was ignoring me as I felt his perfume in my nose as always.

"I'm sorry-" he whispered again trying to touch me.

"Please...I'm sorry-" he whispered making me speak.

"You do realize what it felt like? Each word you said that night-" I stopped knowing I'll break down if I continue.

"If the wall wasn't behind me...-" I managed to get out before I felt his hand getting around me as he pulled me to his chest.

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