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A week later.

I pulled the chair out as I sat down and grabbed the fork.

"For how long are you gonna act like a 4 year old?" My moms voice came as she placed the pot on the table.

"For how long will you treat me like a 4 year old?" I asked back looking down my plate before I heard her sigh.

She sat back down as silent went on and my dad was looking at the news in the living room. A whole fucking week and I'm still in this house.

I haven't left. And thinking school will be my escape my dad talked to the principal and told him that I'll stay home for a week.

So I'll start school again on Monday. Which is after two days. I haven't heard anything from Roan it's making me very anxious.

I just wanna hear if he's okay.

I still don't have my phone and I'm almost going insane I'm this house.

A knock on the door came as my mom opened the door and Staisy voice came which made my eyes widened.

I pushed the chair back as I stood up and looked towards the door to see her standing and looking smiling at me as I stood up and walked towards her.

"I've missed you" she said hugging me which made me smile. My mom and dad had also banded Staisy and it's the first time I'm seeing her since last week.

"Come let's go up." I said as we walked towards my room. As I closed the door I walked to her and hugged her again. I really missed her.

"How are you?" She asked as she sat on the bed and I sat on my chair.

"I'm gonna go insane." I said as she grabbed my hands.

"It'll be over- don't worry." She said trying to make me feel better. I gave her a little smile before we started to talk again and I told her everything that happened.

"Okay I'm gonna say something but don't get mad okay?" She started making me raise a brow.

"What?" I asked before she licked her lips and spoke.

"Your parents have right this time- okay! Hear me out before you say like him okay, but he isn't like us Angelina, and you know it. You both are raised different-" she started making me chuckle pathetically.

"We all know what kind of future he is gonna have- and yours is nothing like his. His future are behind bars while yours is being graduated from one of the best high school in US. You need to think about the future not only your feelings Angelina." She said making me stand as I took my fingers through my hair.

"He'll hurt you." She said making me loose it.

"He won't!" I said pissed of everyone telling me I should leave him.

"He won't do it. I'm happy when I'm with him and I think you know how it feels." I said as she sighed and laid on the bed as she covered her face.

"Fine...whatever you say, don't come to me when he have destroyed your future." She said making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever- can I borrow your phone." I said as she handed me it and I went and called him. He wasn't answering which made the anxiety in me grow.

"He isn't answering?" She asked making me shake my head no as I handed her the phone back and looked out the window.

"Do you think something have happened?" I asked as she muttered a no.

"If something would have happened he would have been all over the news- he's famous as you know." She muttered the last sentence making me tense my jaw.

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