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I leaned on my knees as I kept looking at the USB between my hands. I don't know what to do anymore.

I closed my eyes as I gripped tighter around it. I looked out the window and up the blue sky.

"Fuck..." I took my fingers through my hair as I stood up and walked out the room.

"I want to talk-" before my mother could finish I slammed the bathroom door closed and locked it. I looked down the USB again before I throw it in the toilet and flush the water.

I can't do this.


"What do you mean you aren't gonna do it?!" Yelled Ardit looking down at me. I blew the smoke out as I ignored him.

"Ew Roan!-" he started again making me throw the cigarette as I grabbed him by his shirt and bent to his face.

"Simple- I'm not doing it-" before I could finish he cut me off.

"Because you love this whore?!" He asked making my grip around him tighten.

"No- because my dad didn't raise someone who is gonna use women as a weapon of revenge. Especially sexually." I said looking into his dark eyes as silent went on.

I can't do it towards her. She have nothing to do with this.

"Okay- let's just- let's just chill okay?" Dardan's voice came as I pushed Ardit away and his voice came.

"It's him that is all protective over a girl that he is letting her come between us-" before he could finish my fits clinched as I throw a punch on his face which made him fall down.

"I've had enough Ardit..." I said looking down at him before I lost my shit.

"I can't do it! Not just because it's her okay?! She means no shit! You get it?! She means nothing get that in your fucking head!" I lied as silent went on.

He started to chuckle as he stood up and started to yell.

"You aren't getting it asshole! They killed your dad- your fucking brother! Our damn friend! My brother! He was our brother! They took him from us because of me!-" he started to yell loosing his shit as his eyes got teary.

"Because I was stupid enough to send him to get me the drugs! It was supposed to be me not him! You get it?!-" I walked to him as I grabbed him forcefully by his neck and pulled him towards me.

"It was supposed to be me- me Roan not-" he took his hand around me as he started to cry and I looked at Dardan.

He understood what I wanted before he went to the other room.

"Shut up Ardit- shut up if you have been instead I wouldn't have handled it." I said as I grabbed his face and placed my forehead on his.

I pulled away as I saw Dardan with the needle. He came as he placed it in Ardit's neck and his eyes slowly got heavy.

I grabbed him before he feel down as I placed him on the couch.

"He almost had an overdose last day." Said Dardan making me tense my jaw as I was looking down at him.

I don't know what to do with him. If something happens to him I'll kill everyone.

"Tell me when he wakes up- I gotta go." I said as I turned around and his voice came.

"Your getting attached to her aren't you?" His voice came making me stop. I licked my lips as I tensed my jaw and grabbed the handle.

"No." I said knowing it's the opposite. I slammed the door close behind me as I sighed. My phone buzzed as I grabbed it and saw a message from an unknown number.

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