Chapter One

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The building rose in front of Savannah with all authority, making her feel a mix of fear, anxiety and enthusiasm. This was it. She was finally in university, the same one her mother studied at. Just standing there made the redhead feel closer to the woman she never met. Her father had told her many stories her mother told him during her time in university, and they all sounded amazing, so Savannah couldn't wait to experience it herself. Of course, she was already feeling homesick, after all she was very far from home, the only place she has ever known for almost eighteen years, but she knew she would return as a veterinarian. And she would visit on the holidays, of course. It was something that had to be done, something she had always wanted to do. It was her dream.

"Let's head inside?" Her boyfriend Romeo asked, smiling at the expression of awe in her face.

Savannah shook her head. "I'll go. You should go home, too. You have a lot to talk about with your father." She told him with a smile. She felt a lot more relaxed to have her boyfriend next to her in a moment like this, but she needed to do this alone. It was her first big step and she didn't want to depend on Romeo too much. Also, what she had said was true. Romeo had found out his father seemed to care more about him than he thought he did, so they had a serious talk about their feelings ahead of them. She hoped things worked out for the two of them. Not having a mother was lonely enough, but at least Savannah had her wonderful father, Jacob. With a dead mother and a neglective father, Romeo felt like he had no one; well, no one except her.

"Are you sure?" Romeo asked. He felt a lot of responsibility on his shoulders, which was understandable. Savannah had guided him during the summer, teaching him how things at the countryside worked and showing him a new way of life. Now that he was back to his natural habitat, it was his turn to guide Savannah through the city and make sure she felt as settled in as possible.

The girl nodded and picked her luggage from his hands. "Yeah, I'm sure. Plus, I have a phone now, so we can communicate." She said, picking her brand new smart phone out of her denim jacket and waving it in front of Romeo. He had bought it for her after they landed as a welcoming gift. Now that they were in a big city and not living under the same roof, they needed some way of communication so they didn't feel so far away from each other and could plan dates.

"Alright then. Don't forget to call me if you need anything, no matter what time it is. I'll come to you in three seconds." He assured, making Savannah giggle. "Call me when you're settled. I'll miss you so much." He said in a cheesy manner, but it was understandable, since they were used to being together basically all the time.

They kissed goodbye and parted ways. Savannah couldn't help but stare at everything around her the way she had been doing ever since they arrived at the city. Everything there was so tall and big, so crowded and noisy. It was very different from the countryside, and even though now she was in the amazement phase, she hoped she would be able to feel comfortable enough there. It was as if she was in another world.

She walked over to the reception to ask for guidance. The receptionist was kind enough to explain her how the university worked and give her a plan of the building, along with the contacts of people she may need. Savannah thanked and made her way to where her bedroom should be. She would be sharing it with another girl. She couldn't help but wonder what she was like, especially personality-wise. Sharing a room with someone could be complicated if their personalities didn't match, and the last thing Savannah wanted was a bad environment in the place she slept at. She had high hopes, though. Maybe she was about to make her first friend at the city. She really hoped so, or she would feel extremely alone in such a large place. She had Romeo, of course, but he wouldn't be on campus since he was still doing some high school subjects he had left behind, and he would spend most of his time practicing his piano skills. She was really proud of how he found his way during the summer he spent with her. He arrived at the farm lost and angry, and left with a goal and the possibility of reconcilement.

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