Chapter Thirty

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Days at the farm passed way more quickly than those in the city. Which sucked, because Savannah wanted that week to last as long as possible. It wasn't like she hated the idea of going back to the city. She had learned to enjoy her life there, especially now that everything was going so well. However, the farm was where she truly belonged, and it was always hard for her to leave.

Savannah and Romeo still managed to fully enjoy their time there. Doing chores may sound like a drag, but they loved doing them. Even Romeo, because it was time he was spending with her and it reminded him of the Summer they met. She knew that. He didn't complain about waking up at 6am and spending the whole morning feeding chicken, milking cows and cleaning stables. He loved it when they freed the horses in the field, watching them graze around the spring grass. He wasn't too bothered with cleaning the house every afternoon either, as long as they still had time left to do something else, either ride, watch movies or simply sit on the porch eating sweets and enjoying each other's company. They went to town once more, just to walk around visiting the townsfolk's stores and chat with them for a bit. They were all extremely happy to see Savannah, and she felt like they accepted Romeo as one of their own more than ever, which made her happy.

This being said, the week basically flew by and before they realized it was already Easter.

After church that day, Savannah stayed a little longer catching up with Father Charles. Even though she loved the church she found in the city and went there every week, Father Charles and his church would always be the place where she felt the most comfortable. She loved talking to him and it truly cleansed her to confess to him, too, so she couldn't let the opportunity slip. Of course, the man was happy to hear all about her adventures in the city, the good and the bad, and as usual, was full of great advice.

"Sorry for making you wait." Savannah said as she walked back to Romeo and her father, who had stayed outside.

"It's alright, you must have a lot of catching up to do." Her father replied with a smile.

Savannah smiled back. "Time to get to cooking now then!" She chanted quite energetically as they got in the truck.

Her father smiled and started driving. They were silent for a while, which was unusual, and when Savannah glanced at him, he looked... nervous? He was fidgeting a lot, and that was not like him at all.

"Actually, Savannah..." He started. Oh no. This couldn't be good. "There's something I have to tell you. I should have told you a while ago, but I was so happy to have everything back to normal, with you and Romeo here, I ended up postponing it to avoid disrupting the peace." So it really wasn't good.

Savannah glanced at Romeo through the mirror and he looked clearly awkward. It looked like he knew what her father was about to say. But then again, so did Savannah. She had just hoped it was all in her head and decided to ignore it instead.

Her father was still talking. "Do you know Andy's mom? Gloria? She's a widow, owns the drugstore in town."

"Yeah, I know who she is." Savannah replied, sounding way more bitter than she intended.

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