Chapter Seven

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Savannah woke up the next day with a ton of messages from Romeo. She was still very tired and sleepy, which was understandable considering she had gotten home quite late (or early, depending on the perspective) last night. She did text Romeo to let him know she had gotten to the dorm safe, though. But it seemed there was something the boy wanted from her and it was probably urgent, by the number of unread messages she had from him.

The redhead yawned and looked at the time. It was basically noon. Even though a part of her wanted to go back to sleep, there was no way she would waste any more time in bed. She could still make the most of the afternoon.

The party went pretty well yesterday. At least a lot better than Savannah had predicted. She did drink, but not to the drunken point. Just enough to feel more relaxed around all those strangers. She danced a lot and felt like she bonded more with Pen and Dan, and maybe even made a few more friends. Despite all her previous anxiety, Savannah was now glad she went. It wasn't like she would be doing this every week like Penelope seemed to do, but it was fun to do every once in a while. Who would have thought?

Sitting up on the bed, Savannah finally opened Romeo's messages, worried it could be something important or urgent. The girl's eyes widened at the words. The messages were all about the same topic, but it seemed Romeo was so shocked and excited about it he had to rant about it throughout the morning. Savannah decided to call him, so she walked out of the room so she didn't wake Penelope up.

"Hello?" She greeted.

"You sang at the party? Everyone's loving it, Savannah! You were amazing! What song was that?" Romeo immediately charged at her.

The female took the chance to ask him what she had been wondering since she saw the messages. "How do you know about that?"

"People are sharing it all over on their social media! You were the highest point of the party, Savannah." Romeo sounded so excited for her, but Savannah just got more and more confused.

People recorded her singing, and were now sharing it on the internet? She didn't really know how to feel about that, but then again she was just waking up after a long night of partying and would never have guessed people liked her song that much.

"Oh." She simply replied, not really knowing what else to say. "I've actually just woken up. I'll take a shower and call you later, okay?" She suggested. There was a lot she wanted to chat with Romeo about, but she'd rather get herself cleaned and comfortable first.

"Of course. I'm looking forward to your call. I'm sure you have a lot to tell me about!" Romeo sounded so cheerful it made Savannah smile. "Actually, why don't I drop by later? We could go somewhere for dinner." He suggested.

Savannah smiled. She'd obviously rather talk to her boyfriend in person than on the phone, and it was the weekend after all. She'd take any chance she had to be with Romeo. She could use Sunday to study, even though there wasn't a lot to catch up to yet considering it had only been a week since the start of school.

After the call, Savannah picked her things and went straight to the bathroom. Since it was a lot later than the time she usually went there, the place was a lot more packed, which made her a little uncomfortable. She tried her best to ignore the feeling and got ready for the day she still had left.

All cleaned up, dressed in comfortable clothes and after eating lunch at the campus' cafeteria, Savannah went back to the dorm, where Penelope was just waking up.

"'Morning!" Her roommate greeted her with a smile. She was already fully awake, but still in bed. "Great party yesterday, am I right?"

Savannah giggled softly and nodded. "Yeah, I had a pretty good time." She admitted with a smile. "Romeo says there's a video of me singing being shared?" She took the chance to bring the subject up.

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