crossmare 😞🧸

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(Cross pov)

The mission

I was on a mission my lord sent me on, what was that mission you ask?
To steal some supplies from an au, it was supposed to be an easy job but unfortunately the sans of the au got in my way...
I thought it was going to be extremely easy to beat him but I didn't realize this was a genocide au with a relatively rough sans.
I already killed off all the remaining monster's that the kid didn't kill, lord didn't say I had to kill but I might as well because they were trying to fight back.
Others never tried as hard as them so I assumed the king sent be to a copy of fell considering most people were mean and wore red...
They weren't much of a challenge though, so even though I was just sent to steal some thing's I decided that wasn't as fun.
I noticed when I was gathering the supplies that the sans of this au was heading towards the judgement hall,
So I decided to pile everything up in one corner and just teleport it to the castle.
I stayed though, slowly I followed the sans quietly to not raise suspicion,
When we got to the hall the kid was actually there first!
I guess that's why the kid missed some,
I just watched the fight hoping the sans would win just so I could fight them.
In the end the sans of this au won and i noticed him just standing there not moving.

You can come out now, I noticed you for a while.the sans said

I was honestly shocked he new I was there,
I jumped out of my hiding spot anyways and confronted him,
Although I didn't notice the hidden bone attack behind me.

So why have you followed me?
I know you aren't from this au...

(So he knows what AUS are?
...this guy seems off)

Eh my dear king sent me on a mission, can't exactly back out or I'll be punished!
(That was a lie, as long as I got the stuff wich I already did I would be fine)
Besides! I needed a challenge,
So...wanna fight or what?

THIS IS HILARIOUS, ahhh haha...
Well...can't leave ya hanging now can I?

I stare in horror as this "sans"
Turns into a dark black shadow with red outlining,
Suddenly without taking a second to process what just happened I Neal over in pain and spit blood, looking down I see a giant gash on my ribs,
HOW- groaning I get up and realize he is out of sight!?

He says coming up from behind me not letting me turn around and kicks me in the head,
I recover quickly and stand up looking frantically around spotting him at my side ready to punch me, I dodge and try cutting him with my sword but it fails and it just goes through him,
He takes me in the stomach mocking me back 10 ft and hitting the wall, I try retreating knowing I cannot win this fight but flashing images in my mind of my senpai looking disappointed in me keep me going.
I start dodging this 'creature' more and decide to confuse him with a flashbomb,
After throwing the flashbomb and covering my eye light's I attack it frome behind snapping that things neck.
What I didn't know was that he was immortal and he was faking being down.
So when I was going to retreat thinking I won, without any warning the thing suddenly grabbed my arms and kicking my knees in making me fall.
It decided it was going to torture me by cutting me, punching me, kicking me in the 'gut' and then chocking me until I "passed out"
(In reality I just closed my eye light's and held my 'breath')
Unfortunately after whatever that thing was left, I couldn't move and was just waiting there caching my 'breath'.
How the hell am I gonna get back to the castle...I can't teleport I don't have enough energy...)
I decided to just take a rest hoping the other's notice I'm gone...

I walked out of my office and saw the bag of supplies, I was proud of my subordinate for completing his mission.
I ordered for the other's to sort the supplies and put it all away,
When they were done I asked them if they saw cross anywhere and they just said no.
And hour later I started to worry in my office for cross but kept it in...
Another hour later I was sweating, truth be told I have anxiety when something bad happened or when I'm not around them for a long period of time, I swor in the beginning that I wouldn't care about them because of past events....
That backfired...and it backfired hard.
I was starting to get an anxiety attack worrying about cross when killer & dust nocked on the door.
(I know who is who because of their footsteps)
Y-you may come in..
(Damn me for stuttering)

(Dust, horror)
Boss...are you ok? We heard you crying...

I reached up to my face and realized I had tears streaming down my eye...
Y-yea I'm fine boy's.
Have you seen cross yet?

No...sorry boss,
Where was he last? all of us can search for him.

Horror comes up to me and wipes away my tears saying
Don't cry doesn't suit you...

As I get up to look for cross I say,
I going to look for cross in the au I sent him to.
I opened a portal to the judgement hall hoping he's not here because this is where the fights usually happen...
Unluckily he was here,
I saw him passed out on the floor in front of me,
I saw the blood dripping out of his mouth and his bone marrow leaking out of his bones...
It was a horrible sight,
I was in shock for longer than I should have but the moment I got out of my shock I immediately went to him crying and trying to wake him up.

please wake up!

I shake him but he doesn't get up.
I immediately picked him up teleporting us to the med room in our castle,
As I patch him up I am crying as it's hard to breathe.
After I'm done I sat besides the bed having a quiet panic attack on if he's going to make it or not.

As I slowly open my 'eyes' I can feel pressure on my ribs.
I look at my body and realize I'm covered in bandages,
I hear slight snoring and look at nightmare resting his head on my chest...but he looks like he's been crying,
I pet his head slowly sitting up to not wake my king.
I pull nightmare close to my chest and onto my lap like a baby keeping him asleep in my arms,
I look at his handsome face and blush.

I whisper- are just to adorable, I cuddle him closer saying that, I decided to make a move....he wouldn't mind that right?
I grab his chin making him look up more and kiss him slowly enjoying his apple flavor.
As I'm kissing him I don't notice him open his 'eyes' slowly...
Then his mouth opened?
I look at him still kissing him seeing that he is half awake.
As I noticed this I pulled back saying sorry.

You are fine.....I was worried you wouldn't respond to me when I saw you, covered in your blood and marrow.... We're having a talk when you are healthy...

...I'm sorry
I got carried away and...I'll tell you later!
For now though.
I kiss him again and open his mouth letting my tongue explore his mouth.


I stop and teleport us to his room.
Sitting him on my lap I cuddle him close humming him asleep,
Eventually he falls asleep and I lay down with him on my chest.
I start rubbing his back falling asleep myself.

The end of this story!
Warning: 🍋 on next page
You can request it or I can make a lemon on my own.
Either way, hoped ya liked it godling.
(1433 words)

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