top-Fresh x decans🍋🧸

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I don't see much of it but I believe it's underrated.

This has a bit of angst due to my wonderful ✨imagination✨

I enjoyed making this concisering I had total control over where the story goes and what to put in it.
I don't think there are enough fresh x decans fanfics.
This was requested by Strangerkid88

Decans can have a dick and pussy or just use ya imagination er Somthin.

They are 18 in college.
-praise kink.

In this typical fanfiction where yes they can breathe and need too eat.. magic ✨

The lemon is later in the story btw.
but there are some spicy thing's in between.

*I woke up in the morning and started preparing for the first day of college,
In all honesty I was nervous!
But I was excited too because I knew my cru- best friend fresh was there.
Fresh couldn't feel but I didn't care, why would I?
We've been best friends sense childhood.
So He may not care and I'm practically a walking science experiment.
But he still treats me like a normal person and doesn't treat me like I'm a thin glass vase like other's.

After breakfast and driving my motorcycle to the college I started to run to class because I wanted to be there early and sit next to fresh.

After a few minutes of running I bump into someone and fall*

I am so sorry!
I was too into my thoughts I didn't realize-
Oh it's fine broski, here let me help ya up.
Oh! Hi fresh.
Sorry for bumping into you...and thanks!
How are you doing.
Doin fine as usual, was just headin ta class.
What class do you have dec?
Biology is my first class today!
What class do you have?
Same as ya bro!
Ya look good today btw,
Hope we get ta sit together like highschool.
T-HANK YOU and Y-yea I hope so too!

*After they walked to there class they both sat in the back due to all the other spots being taken in the room,
30min into the class fresh was already finished with his work so he was starting to get bored and there was 15 minutes left of class so he decided to bother decans...well if he doesn't wanna be bothered he won't but he's still gonna talk.
The teacher is allowing them too anyway so everyone else is still talking*

(Fresh pov)

Hey Dec Dec.
I'm bored bro...
Oh...idk how to entertain you I'm sorry... though I'm almost done with my work and we can figure something out?
Ye sure I'll wait till ya done with work.
(5min later decans was done with his work but noticed fresh was spacing out so he decided to leave him alone)

*I started thinking about deccy-dec while he was doing his work. I was thinking about how  every time I gave dec a compliment his skull always flushed teal?
I was wondering why he did that...and everytime I hugged him or sat him on my lap to cuddle like ink suggested he squirmed and his skull blushed...I need ta ask mum what that's all bout.
Fer now though I'mma keep doin that because for some reason I like da look on his face when I do dat.
Side's he never told me to stop*
Coming back from my thoughts I look over to Dec and see him staring at me.
Deccy-dec ya good? Somthin on my face brah?

N-No! Sorry fresh.
*I watch deccy look away and this reminded me of a movie I watched where the characters were doing da exact same thing we were so I wanted to test something I saw so I grabbed Dec and Leaned him against me making sure he was comfortable.

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