SD+DS x nightmare🧸🍋

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Top-Ds dream x Sd dream(swad)
X bottom nightmare.

Slight 🍋

This was requested by! GhamzehPmd

Art not made by me.

I hope you enjoy this godling!
I tried my best.

(Nightmare pov)
"I was simply in my castle walking around wondering when my subordinate's we're going to be back when I hear distant chirping"
..... bird's? What the hell....
"I start walking towards the direction of the chirping and end up at the master garden"
Not surprised.
"I sharpen my tentacles ready to kill some annoying bird's when I walk in and notice two birds with golden feathers.
They are both pretty small birds, one has completely golden feathers with bright highlights and the other has gold feathers fading into a golden red at the tip.

Now how the hell did you dumb bird's get into my castle?
*Chirp chirp* wouldn't mind if I killed you right?
"I lash my tentacles towards the two but the end up flying away and disappear into the trees....
You guy's built a dumb nest somewhere didn't you?
Whatever, I don't have time for this.
"I walk away annoyed not bothering to hunt the birds
Honestly I don't care that they are there just so long as they don't fucking chirp all day.
I walk back to my office working on some new attack positions for those fucking star's.

5 hour's later

*Nightmare holds his head trying to block out the loud chirping that sounds way to close for comfort*

that's it...."I walk back to the garden and burst open the doors, tentacles sharpened ready to kill these dumb bird's.
When I enter I see the two birds I immediately try stabbing them.
God you're so fuckin loud it's annoying!
So why don't I shut you up!?
They keep dodging and flying away,
"Eventually they flew out of the garden and towards my room"
"I run into my room hoping to kill them as soon as possible but notice they are hiding"
Come on now....I'm gonna make the death quick~
"I see them hiding under my covers and prepare to strike them when there's a sudden bright light and I'm suddenly on my bed"

(Swads pov+DS pov)
"We were flying in our bird forms near a the castle of our future lover _no he doesn't know yet but we've been stalki-watching...him for almost a year now and we decided to finally enter the castle,
Due to us watching him through the windows we decided to hide in the garden.
After a few minutes of flying around and checking everything out we decided to chirp and make a bit of noise to get our princes attention".
After a minute or two we heard his doorsteps coming closer to the door and he eventually get through the door but we notice he look ready to strike.
"After he tried killing us we flew to a hiding spot in one of the tree's".
When he left we decided to explore the castle, after 4 hours of this we decided to make a plan to get our love's attention 'WITHOUT us getting killed,
And after 1 hour we decided on the plan and made a bunch of noise hoping to get his attention.
It definitely worked because we can hear his pissed off footsteps,
After he started chasing us we flew to his room like we planned and his under the blankets of his bed,
As he was about to try and stab us we returned to our original skeleton forms.

(Swad ds)

Hello darling~
How are you my prince?
*We both were hugging him on each other side of him not letting him attack us or escape, we put our prince in our lap's hold him close to us.*
you're lover's~
We've been watching you for awhile darling~
What the fu-
*I kissed nightmare to shut him up because I was in front of him*
"Ds started to lay nightmare down on top of him while I crawl closer to nightmare and sit in between his legs."
W-what the hell?!

your so cute my love~
Ok! Explain!!!

Well I think you can guess we're your "secret admirers"
We wanted to actually get to know you after a year.
We know so much about you but we can finally touch you!

Geez you guys seem
*Nightmare tried to slash them both with his tentacles but noticed he felt weaker*

Oh yeah!
We are full of positive energy! So good luck trying to escape!
You may call me DS.
You can call me swad darling~
*They both hold nightmare closer giving him more positive energy*

"Nightmare blushes from the closeness of them"
G-get off! "He tries to push them off but he's to weak"
Damn...'sigh' if you're going to stay here... sense I can't do anything about have to obey my rules for the castle!

Anything for you darling.
I will for you my prince~


*They both kiss nightmare's cheek's making him flustered*
*Swad rubs his cheek saying*
Don't worry!
We won't hurt you.
You matter to much to us! can't to much to us anyway~
We'll make you feel good~
We know your stressing out because you have to take care of your gang!
We'll take care of you if you let us that is?


We will get you everything you want! No matter what it takes!
You won't have to worry any more either.
We will make sure you and your..."little children" hehe...
Are safe at all times..even battle!
Isn't that such a good idea darling~?
THAT'S GREAT! you have the same idea as me?
Oh I think I do....that is-if our dear 'king' gives consent.

*Nightmare pauses blushing as he realizes what they meant*
"As nightmare thinks"
...well they are hot...

Ok fine...

We will make you feel good don't you worry my prince~
We can assure you that you will enjoy this my darling.
*DS and swad crab nightmare's hands and waist starting to prepare him for what is next to come...*

(After 1 hour of fun times)

*Swad holds nightmare's hand while DS is behind nightmare
Stroking his cheek as he sleeps*

*They both hear the castle door open and close*
...his gang is back...
Don't worry nightmare we won't leave, we'll just be hiding under your cover's for a bit~

*They both turn into birds and hime under the covers as they hear the gang come closer*

"Boss??____oh! Boss is asleep guy's.
We should leave him alone.
I thought he didn't need sleep?
He could be sick.
He looks like it
Let's just leave him alone
I agree.

*They leave the room while the two birds turn back and start cuddling nightmare again...*

The end! Sorry it took so long godling!
I'm busy alot, got this done sooner than I thought I could though.

This was 1194 words!
(. ^ .)

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