SD+DS x nightmare 🍋

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We are now calling
GhamzehPmd the sinner and satan of our group.
They requested this.

Kinks-praise, rough, Neko, breeding, pet names, overstimulation, heat.

You have been warned.

Bara swad and DS

Hope ya like it ya little sinner.
(Seriously dude there's no saving you)

(Bara swad) (bara SD)

(Nightmare's pov)
"I was in my office doing paperwork when my ears twitch hearing distant flapping of wings.
Assuming it's just some normal bird's I get back to my work, although I do think it's weird that I can hear the flapping frome that far away.
When I hear two people teleport next to my sides I panic sensing that they are huge!
Then I look at the two and realize it's just bara swad and DS.
I wave my tail realizing it's my boyfriend's"

Hello my little kitten~
So cute....hey-
Do you mind helping us king~

Of course! What do you need me to do?

"Bara swad picks nightmare up kissing him deeply shoving his tongue in nightmare's mouth"
Mmff ahh~
It's so hot.. why don't you help us cool off~
You don't mind if we go to our castle right?
We don't want those rats hearing your sweet moans after all~

*They teleport to there own castle and place nightmare on the bed,
Both of there sweat glistening in the natural light coming from the window.
They both feel the heat rise throughout there body's eager to fuck nightmare,

Swad pushes nightmare so night's back is on DS's chest so swad is Infront of night*
W-what are you guys doing?
"My tail flicks in anticipation"
Oh I think you know what's going to happen kitty~

*They both start rubbing nightmare's lower area begging him to summon an entrance, nightmare ends up summoning a pussy.
Nightmare is a blushing mess as swad and DS begin to rim his entrance,
Swad kisses nightmare and shoves his tongue in nightmare's mouth feeling around and his tongue ends up able to get to the back of nightmare's throat making him slightly gag.

"DS pushes his dick inside of nightmare slowly hearing nightmare scream his name in pleasure,

Aaahhh~ fuck!
PLEEAASS oh fuuucckk~

*Both of them started thrusting faster and harder into nightmare
Saying praises into his ears like your so pretty and good kitten beg for us.
Swad mark's nightmare's neck to make sure night is his.*

After an hour of this nightmare came for the 10th time while DS+swad came 3 times.

They all ended up cuddling in the bed while Acknowledging the fact that nightmare is gonna be sore and grumpy in the morning...and the whole week

*You feel you're sins crawling on your back*
....I ain't gonna be writin another one of dat ship :3

This was short bc I lost motivation for this and didn't wanna write a whole thing of that.

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