Fell x lust part 2

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have a little treat to cleanse your pallet of the angst in part one my children.

*It was a dark when Lust found himself at Fell's door, banging on it frantically. He had gotten a call from Fell's who sounds quiet and seemed to not wanna talk in the phone for long.
Fell told him to come over as soon as possible, that Fell was in trouble.

Without hesitation, Lust rushed over, his soul pounding in his chest. He was scared, terrified of what he might find. He could tell something was wrong just from the phone, fell never talked nor sounded like that.
When he finally reached Fell's door, he could hear noises coming from inside - it sounded like Fell was crying.

Lust kicked the door open, his heart racing. The house was dark and empty, except for Fell's curled body on his bed, his face bruised with bandages.

"Fell!" Lust cried, rushing over to his boyfriend. He knelt down beside him, pulling Fell into a tight hug. Fell was crying, his body trembling.

"What happened sweetie are you ok?! Your hurt!" Lust asked, his voice shaking. Fell tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out.

Lust helped Fell up and took him to the couch. He tried to comfort him, holding him close and kissing his forehead and cheek, even rubbing his back soothingly. Fell was silent, his body shaking.

"What happened?" Lust asked again, looking into Fell's eyes.

Fell finally found his voice, and he told Lust everything. He had gone out with his friends that night, and had mentioned that he was dating Lust just like you wanted. The next thing he knew and expected in all honesty, he was being brutally attacked, beaten up and left for dead.
He was always considered a runt but that was the last staw to them.

Lust felt a surge of anger and fear, mixed with sadness and guilt. He had told Fell to tell his friends about their relationship, that they were official. He had never thought that it would end like this, with Fell beaten up and traumatized.
He thought that he should have expected it, his au was a FELL au...

"I'm so sorry," Lust said, his voice shaking. He held Fell close, running his fingers through Fell's hair. "I never should have told you to tell them. I never should have put you in danger like that."

Fell buried his face in Lust's chest, crying silently.
"It's not completely your fault lust..."
Lust comforted him, holding him close and telling him he would never let anything bad happen to him again. He would protect him from now on, and make sure that Fell was always safe.

As Fell fell asleep in Lust's arms, Lust promised himself that he would never put his lover in danger again. He would always protect him, no matter what. And he would do everything in his power to help him.
For now lust was going to make sure that fell never went back to his au.

The sun began to rise the next morning, Fell and Lust awoke in Fell's bed, cuddled together. Fell's eyes were red and swollen from crying, but he was in Lust's soft embrace, and that was all that mattered.

Lust saw Fell's pained expression and felt a pang of guilt. He knew that he had caused this distress, and he couldn't bear to see his boyfriend suffer. He held Fell close, kissing his forehead and whispering words of comfort in his ear.

Throughout the day, Lust stayed by Fell's side, comforting him and reassuring him that he was safe now. They spent the day in bed, watching movies and talking about their feelings.

As they lay there, Lust realized how much he truly loved Fell. He had been stupid to think that he didn't need to protect his boyfriend. He would always be there for Fell, shielding him from harm and providing him with love and support.

As the day wore on, Fell's mood slowly lifted, and he began to smile again. He was in the arms of the man he loved, and that was all that mattered. Lust leaned in to kiss Fell's cheek*

"Are you feeling better at all today love? I'm sorry I forced you to tell them...though I hope you know that I will not allow you to go back there."
"Even though it's my original au?"
*Lust grabbed fells chin to look at him*
"Especially because it's your au.
That is the point dear~"
*Lust kissed fell on the cheek and held his hand, entwining their fings and feeling the warmth radiate off eachother*

*Lust decided that he wanted to take fell to the park after all that has happened.
He wanted to have a peaceful time with fell and not do anything too wild like they usually do.
Both were currently in bed watching a movie and once it ended lust asked fell if they could go to the park*

"Hey fell~
Could we go on a date?
Just a small date at the park.
"That was sudden but of course babe, what do you wanna do there though like is there something going on orrrr?"
"Welp come on!"

*Lust got up from the bed and got dressed in some proper clothes for the summer weather outside.
He told fell to get ready and when he did, lust grabbed his hand and took him outside.
They walked to the park and took a peaceful shortcut through the woods, they were listening to the birds chirp and even saw a fox family.
They soon made it to the park*

*As they walked through the park, holding hands, Lust could feel the tension of the past few days melting away. They were back to the way things used to be, and he was grateful for it.

They walked past an ice cream van that was playing a fun tune. Lust looked at Fell with a smirk, and Fell nodded with excitement and amusmentbin his eyes. They ran to the ice cream van and ordered two cones - one chocolate for Fell and one vanilla for Lust.

They walked to a nearby bench and sat down, licking their ice cream cones as they watched the people pass by. The sun was shining bright, and they felt at peace.

"Thanks for taking me here, today was... actually really nice.
I don't exactly have work though now that ya snatched me from my au heh." Fell said, smiling.
"It's no problem, I wanted to spend some time with you, and you could always work at the cat cafe with Ccino!" Lust replied, smiling back.

"You suggest that just because you want an excuse to either get a cat or visit the 32 cats there?"
"Heh...hey, I can try and grab doom fanger from my old house.
That cat always preferred me anyway."
"Oooooohhh I would love that!
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please!!!???....you don't have to though, and if so be careful!"
"Don't worry babe I will~
Sides we'd be good to have a pet"

*They sat in silence for a while, enjoying the peace. Fell looked at Lust and smiled.*

"I...i know I might not show it....but I love you,"
"I love you too, and I don't mind~
You just have your own way of showing you care."

They continued to sit in silence, enjoying each other's company. The sun was beginning to set, and they knew it was time to head back home. But they both agreed, it was a perfect day, filled with love and ice cream, all tension and bad memories quickly wiped out within the day of love.

I.....I'm actually proud of this.
1328 words... I'm not as proud as the decans and fresh one but still very proud!

Well I hope you enjoyed this my little children!
(I know there are adults here but I SEE YOU YOU 12 YEAR OLDS
I seeeee yoooouuuuuuuu)

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