gradient x crescent 🧸

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Cover not mine

Hope ya enjoy this one.
I have nothing else ta say.

The Birthday Party 🎂🎉

(Crescent pov)
I was just waking up at 10:pm  I'm nocturnal like my dumb father.
*I twist and turn in my bed and felt the other half of my bed, sad that a certain someone isn't there*
I slowly get up looking around my room sceptical of any pranks laying around.
I walk out hoping there aren't any pranks waiting for me and walk down to the kitchen hopefully to grab breakfast in PEACE.
As I make way to the kitchen I pass the living room and notice the gang is in there.
"Damn...there goes my peace"

What are you all doing out here aren't you guys supposed to be asleep?

Dust-we are but boss isn't here and know what day it is so we had to celebrate with ya.

...why do you look sad? It's your big day!

...what? What big day.
Is it Christmas?
What ya mean by my big day?

Horror- you... forgot?
Killer-its you're birthday?
Dust-have you never celebrated your birthday before?
Horror- we know you have only been here for a year but...

Calm down! I just don't really celebrate.... side's father never celebrated his birthday.
I get it from him I guess.
You guys can go to bed I don't care.

After saying that I walk into the kitchen making myself some eggs.
When I was done and sat down at the counter I started thinking about my friend gradient.
I didn't notice I left my phone near the stove and that the bad guy's took it.

I was thinking about gradient and me just sitting on a hill cuddling...him just drawing on his sipping on my coffee with one of tentacles keeping him close.


(Bad guy's pov)
We all look at him.

He looks like he's daydreaming
Look his phone is near the stove
Mabey one of us can grab it
Ya know...see if he has a girlfriend *dust wiggles his bone brows*
Who should get it than?
And what if he has a lock on his phone?
Well it's still on and I can sneak over there to get it.
Go on then tar
Stop calling me that ..
*Killer ended up successfully grabbing the phone before it was turned off.
Huh ya got it.
Let's see what's on it
*We all look at his phone and see that he has a ton of pictures of this one guy in his phone*
He's not straight I'll tell ya that!
Ooooooo he has a crush!
Maybe that's his boyfriend?
We should text him
Hell no we could get into trouble with mini-boss!
Don't care.

*We text him saying it not crescent and that it's his bday today and we want to surprise him with you*
There it's that easy ya baby's
Now we put it back and wait.
*Once we put it back and walk away we yell that we're going to bed and he snaps out of his daydream*

(Crescent🌙 pov)
I snapped out of my dream when
They all yelled that they were going to bed.
Oh! Well hope ya sleep well don't let the nightmare's get to ya!
I got bored after eating my food and decide to chill in the living room and read.
After 30minutes of reading I heard a nock on the castles main doors.
Of course I was skeptical considering it was 10:45pm.
I slowly made my way to the door and opened it slowly seeing gradient.

(gradients pov)
I was drawing on my tablet and noticed it was 9:30pm.
Geez I should be asleep!

Pg-yea you should

Huh? Oh it's just you.

I noticed you were thinking of your crush again.

N-No I wasn't!

Ya sure? Because your drawing says otherwise.

...I look down and see that I drew crescent.... DAMNIT.


I stomp off to my room.
Luckily my father ink made a house in the anti-void for us.

Later as I was laying down I heard a text message from my phone, after I read it and figure out what going on I decided to go to crescents castle and wish him a happy birthday.
I make a portal to the castle door and knock on it hopefully to get an answer.
When the door cracked open I saw crescent.

(Crescent pov)
Come in quick.
What are you doing here?!
It's so late your supposed to be asleep by now!

Well I wanted to celebrate You're birthday with you!
You're friends told me it was your birthday and so I came here to celebrate!
You really didn't have to...
Oh but I wanted to!
So let's go o your room I brought snack's and cupcakes.

*After entering crescent's room they ate and laughed while talking about thing's they like,
They both started playing videogames with the sound on full blast with the wonderful Benefits of having a sound proof room!
After a few hours of this it was 4am and gradient was getting really tired but trying to hide it*

Gradient you ok?
I'm fine why do you ask?
Because your dosing off,
And I know you're not nocturnal Because I am,
You can sleep I'm not forcing you to stay up.

I want to stay awake with you.
You're gonna still be here when you wake...I don't think either of your father's care, neither your brother.
...fine you're convincing me, I'll sleep but you better be here when I wake up,
I will don't you worry.

*I watched as gradient slowly fell asleep leaning on me so when he fell asleep I picked him up and brought us to my bed laying us down into a comfy position and fell asleep cuddling each other*

I enjoyed writing that
I like me some good ol fluff!
Hope ya enjoyed this to godling

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