inkmare fluff!

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I don't see much of this ship!
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What to do oh what to do....UUUGGFHHH!
I hate art block!
.... maybe not what to draw...BUT WHO!
Time ta spy on nightmare like usual.
"Ink paints a hidden portal facing the side of nightmares office.
Luckily nightmare was there to be an easy victim to draw"

*he sits at a large desk, with a small pile of papers, paintings, and art utensils on his desk. he taps his chin, furrowing his brows. as he does, a faint sound of his bones snapping, and tendrils wrapping around him can be heard.

a quiet laugh escapes nightmare's body, as he stands up and walks to the window, staring outside, and watching as the sky slowly becomes dark with a black fog, as if it were night, even though it was early. he then turns back around to look around the inside of his office. his gaze slowly lands on ink, and he gives a slight nod.

"I hope your drawing my good side ink~"

*nightmare's voice is raspy and distorted.*

"GAH!?how long have you noticed I was here?
Only a few minutes,
The fact you don't have a soul makes it a little harder to notice when you enter my castle unlike the others.
I'm still disappointed that you continue to work for my brother when you could work alongside me~
Because of the balances of course!
But you don't care?
You literally just do things that either benefit you or you find fun.
We would be perfect to work together!
Your brothers and swaps reaction to the things I do are funner.
Of course they are, that's why you satay with them.
*Nightmare facepalms and goes back to his desk*
so what was it you needed?
Or did you just need to spy on me?

...uhm...well since I drew you I don't exactly have anything else to do!
*Ink steps through the portal and goes onto nightmare's couch*
So your just going to make yourself home?
Unless you have video games?
No. I do not, only books.
your older than me ink

You act like one~

Then your dating an old man.
Heh. right you right...
I wanna cuddle!
"Nightmare sighs and goes to his bed"
We can cuddle for now but we are cuddling on the bed, I personally prefer to be comfortable and you will join me,
That is an order ink.
You can't boss me around....but okay!

(They both cuddle for the night.
Or what they assume is night.
Concisering the place nightmare built his castle is always night no matter what.
In the morning ink wakes up to a sleeping nightmare next to him)

I'mma take a picture so I can draw this later,
He's just so cute that I bet even the Creator would draw him like this!
"Snaps photo"

Mmhh...what the fuck are you doing idiot?
Just watching you
...while I sleep?
....why am I dating you...
Bc I don't have a soul so I don't care that your the king of negativity~
Ah, that correct...
"among other things"
What was that?
Nothing ink let's go make breakfast.
What about your gang?
I sent them on a week mission

"They both make breakfast and tease eachother while eating.
Nightmare was planning on asking ink to go on a date since the gang was gone"

Hey ink, may I ask a question.
Would you like to go on a date with me?
It has been a long while because I have always been so busy, so if you don't mind I would love to take you to a place I really love.

Of course night!
Ooooo what is this place?!, Can I paint it? Is it pretty? Oh oh!
Is it a scary place?
I know you like dark spaces so-mmff!

"Nightmare kisses ink deeply, shutting him up"
Just let me take you there ink.
And yes you can paint the place and it's pretty, though you are indeed correct about me liking dark spaces so it is quite the dark place"

"Nightmare covered inks eyes with his tentacle and took him through the portal, holding his hand as he does so.
When the portal close behind them, nightmare uncovered inks eyes so he could see the dark forest area.
It has bioluminescent plants and bugs, the sky was a dark midnight with the stars shining bright.
The tips and edges of leaves glowed greed and blue, glow worms were climbing on the tree and seemed to flicker at noises.
There was a pond next to them, when someone touched the water it glowed a bright purple and blue from the bioluminescent plankton.

So when nightmare uncovered inks eyes, he was was shocked to say the least, ink was silent, his left eye showing a heart and the right one showing an exclamation point."

Nightmare this...this is beautiful!!!
I don't recognize this au!
Is it new? Did you refurbish an old au?
Did you make this?
I wonder what will happen if I eat the glow worms?
Could I drink the pond water?
And if I do, will I glow?!

Heh...calm down ink...and I simply asked error to preserve but hide this au for me as a favor.
Glad you like it....but also please do not eat the worm's ink.
Alright fine.
But most of the date I might be painting this place!
Well if you do may I keep it and hang it in my room?
Like a momento if you will.
Of course!
If you excuse muah, I shall dive into this pond and see if I can glow!

"Nightmare just chuckles once ink dived into the pond.
He's glad he made a small hidden truce just to be together, though both may still need to work on things."

Sorry if I don't post fast.
It's mainly me trying to think of how to write it.
Well hope ya enjoyed this!

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