ccino x nightmare🧸😔

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but don't worry the ones that aren't requested are normally the short ones.
I did this one for fun, and I'm starting to stress write so the more I'm stressed the more you get to read?
Isn't that great for you!

Nightmare is short 5ft and Ccino is 5'9
They are both their respectable ages.
(Haha nootmares old 500year ass)
Ccino is between 20-30(midlife crisis age oop)

Nightmare is still a god in this but Dream's positive arrows are a lot stronger thanks to sci so keep this in mind.



"Of fucking course!
The moment I ACTUALLY try to relax the stupid star sluts ruin everything!
I wasn't even trying to destroy the damn au that's fucking Error's job for mother's sake!
I was just sitting on a bench reading my book in plantTale when they started to assume shit!
I just wanted to read...
Now I'm busy dodging attacks left and right for an hour
I'm starting to get really tired, unfortunately, I can't call my gang for them to take care of this because the stars aren't giving me enough time"

*He runs through the thick forest and goes over and under logs to avoid the star sluts, he uses his tenticals to put objects in the way of their running to slow them down.
But inevitably..."
Ink trip's nightmare.
But due to his clumsiness he also falls on a pile of rocks....and spiders*

Wich gave Nightmare just enough time to summon a portal but not before Dream shoot 3 more arrows at Nightmare, all hitting him in the back going through his chest making him fall through his negativity portal.

The last thing he saw was Ccino running towards him before he passed out...*c-cino?*


*I was waiting at my front desk. Waiting for nightmare when after an hour past closing time and 2 hours past his usual time I was starting to get worried.
Then I saw a familiar portal open.

y anxiety calmed down but came back just as soon as it went when I saw nightfall through the portal.
I saw Nightmare had fallen with major injuries, counting 3 major arrows stuck in him and cuts with paint mixed in them all over his body.
I quickly ran to him and closed the portal,
picked him up, and rushed him to my room behind the cafe.
When I laid him down I ran to get the medkit, I got back and started pulling the arrows out while bandaging him tightly to stop the blood spill*

I swear if you don't wake up I'm gonna-
and don't you dare try and get up!
Sir yes sir I guess?
I do not think I could "Cough"
Get up anyways my love.
My toby...
Night now is NOT the time to be flirting.
I'm not flirting.
You would know if I was flirting.
This is going to sting so don't pull away!
What do you me-

"Ccino pulls the arrows out of nightmare quickly to get it over with"

I find it amusing that you have more of an accent when you're in pain.
But this is rubbing alcohol, trust me it helps now stop moving before I strap you down.
Heh, kinkeeeeeeAAAAOOOOWWW

"Ccino poured some extra on the wound while Nightmare hissed at him"
Quit complaining I can hear my cats scratching the door because you sound so much like them.
Alright, fine ill stop, geez...
You done yet?
Oh my stars nightmare... joke alot more when you get hurt.
... natural response for me I guess, I don't know the psychology behind it, but you can definitely Ask sci, he would go on a rant about it.
Maybe I'll hint to him about your behavioral patterns then, I'll know the reason you act the way you do! much as I love you.
Do not, Seriously don't.
I'm just joking ya pissy cat...wait...did you say you loved me?
THE RICH king of negativity?
In LOVE with me?
A simple poor cafe barista~
Shut up you overgrown cat.

Awww nightmare~
I love you to my pessimistic black bean~ bean, Seriously?
I had to come up with SOME cute name didn't I?
Your a hard person to come up's.
Heh, that's understandable...

"Ccino finishes helping nightmare and they both sat in silence for a few minutes.
After those few minutes are up Ccino hugs nightmare lightly"
Scare me like that again...
I'm a god Ccino, I'm fine.
"He sighs and hugs back lightly"
I'll try.

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