Chapter 15. A glimmer of hope

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"You said you were on the pill! DID YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME!" Kylo's angry voice boomed in his living room. Tears streamed down your face, terrified of his response.

"I-I was" you were sobbing at this point.

"HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN THEN?" He was pacing around the room, unable to stay still. He wasn't mad about you being pregnant. It was the fact that you had lied to him, or at least that's what he thought you did.

You quietly pulled out your phone, opened the clinic's email and shoved the screen in his face. He had to adjust the distance of the phone as he didn't have his reading glasses on. His demeanour changed as soon as he double-checked what he was reading.

You didn't lie to him.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you. I apologize" he calmly stated as he took a seat on the sofa back again and you followed suit. "How far along are you? It has to be two months tops. How come you didn't find out sooner?" He was ranting, so many questions in such a small amount of time.

"Over three months. I... I thought I had my period, but apparently is common to bleed a bit during the first months of the pregnancy, so I didn't find out until I got the email and took a test." There was a beat of silence and then you blurted what you thought he was considering. "I can't get an abortion this far along".

"Oh, no fucking way" he shook his head, a scowl on his face for even bringing that up. "We're having that baby" he stated. He couldn't say he was thrilled about it yet, but it wasn't bad news for him. He knew you'd be a great mom, he was terrified of being a father, and he feared becoming his dad. He didn't want to be an absent father, so he'll do whatever he could to have both of you in his life.

"Do you want to see the ultrasound?" You sheepishly asked.

"Of course" he nodded. A glimmer of hope in his eyes. You fished the pictures from your bag and handed one of them out to him.

"You can keep it if you want to" you could see Kylo's eyes watering and a few stray tears falling down his cheeks.

"Please" he choked on his whisper.

He wiped his face and then looked back at you.

"Let's book an appointment for a check-up" he said reaching for his phone.

"Kylo, I already had one. We have to wait four weeks for the next one" you informed him, but he kept scrolling down your phone.

"You're getting the best doctor in town, honey" there it was, the pet name again. It effortlessly rolled out his tongue. It was as if it was meant to be like that. You rolled your eyes at him but didn't insist. He was very stubborn, and you didn't feel like fighting anymore.

He made the call and booked an appointment for the following day and then he offered to cook you some dinner as it had gotten pretty late.

"This is almost ready" he said as he flipped the steak. You were setting the table, but once he saw you struggling to reach some glasses he patted your shoulder ordering you to move so he could take a couple of them. "Don't make any efforts. I want our chickpea to be safe" you laughed at the baby's pet name and you agreed, knowing your doctor advised you the same thing.

"Okay, daddy" mumbled to yourself.

"What did you say?" Kylo asked grinning, his cock twitching at your words.

"Nothing" you blushed at being caught. It was obvious you wanted him, but you didn't want to rush things, not after what happened last time.

After dinner, Kylo asked you to stay at his. You weren't ready to take him back, so he offered one of the guest rooms to crash in.

You woke up disoriented until your eyes adapted to the light in the room and you realized you were at Kylo's. You stretch on the bed and used the en-suit toilet. After that, you went downstairs where you found a delicious breakfast on the table.

Your mouth watered at the sight of French toasts and fresh fruit. You took a seat and Kylo's raspy morning voice soothed you even more.

"Morning, honey. You sleep well?" He asked sitting next to you.

"I did. Thank you" you replied digging into your food.

"We should leave in 30 minutes to make it on time to the clinic"

"Okay" you replied, your mouth full of toast which made Kylo giggle.


"So... I was thinking.... If we want to give this a go, you should move in" he blurted, nervously playing with his food.

"Isn't that too soon?" You asked worriedly.

"You can have your own space. I just thought that it'd be nice if I can actively participate in this. I'd be worried if you need help and I'm not there" his point made sense, but you were still a bit unaware of what to do.

"Can I think about it?"

"Sure" he nodded and devoured his food.

"I'll move in" you said once you both finished. He didn't think you'll accept that quickly, but he was right. You both wanted to be able to co-parent and if staying meant having this type of breakfast every morning, there's no way you could say no.

"Really?" He looked like a kid opening presents on Christmas Day and he definitely felt like one.

"It's just for the food" you winked at him as you placed your plate in the sink and grabbed your bag, ready to go to the clinic.

Kylo was holding your hand as the doctor in the fancy-looking clicking looked for the baby's heartbeat on the ultrasound

"There it is" the doctor said and after typing a few keys your baby's heart could be heard in the whole room. Kylo squeezed your hand tightly as his eyes filled to the brim.

"Can we know the sex?" He asked eagerly.

"I'm afraid we'll have to wait. This little one is moving around a lot and it's not clear" he informed us.

After asking us a few questions and handing us more ultrasound pictures, he drove you home.

"I want a girl" he said after a few minutes of silence "A mini you". You smiled at the thought of Kylo holding his baby girl.

"I don't mind" he parked near your apartment's door. He'd never been there before. "You wanna come in?"

"I thought you'd never ask" he chuckled as he got out of the car and helped you out. You didn't show yet, but you could feel your belly was a bit swollen and your breasts were bigger. You had caught Kylo staring at them and it only made it light a fire in you.

You got into your place, took off your shoes and headed to the kitchen. You were thirsty and you couldn't wait to drink some water. Kylo followed you and awkwardly stood behind you.

"Is it okay if I hug you?" He asked. His hands were trembling at the thought of you rejecting him.

You leaned back into his torso and his arms wrapped around your middle, hands resting on your growing belly. He swayed both of you right and left as he soothingly drew circles with his hands on your tummy.

"Can I help you move your stuff?" Your eyelids closed as you were tired, pregnancy taking a toll on you. You nodded as you felt him place a kiss on the top of your head and inhale your scent.

It was also the happiest you'd ever been.

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