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The four sorrowfully looked past the docs, the sun finally rising. Sadness tinged at their hearts at the sight. No commotion was going on in the jungle. Not even a compy in sight, or their two missing friends.

"Sunrise." It was a faint whisper, but a single word that shattered all their remorse for Isla Nublar. Not like there was much left of it stashed into their hearts.

The thought of their two friends somewhere in that jungle with the experiment by the name of E750 couldn't wrack through their brains enough.

Silence was broken by a sorrowful voice, seemingly not trying to crack at the thought of talking. "Do you really think they're, y'know, gone?" The Texas accent questioned. If anyone were to talk it would sound just like Sammy's; broken.

Kenji stood up straight from the railing determination covered the guilt pinged onto his heart and sadness covering his face.

"You all heard what Darius said; If he wasn't to make it back by sunrise, leave." Kenji repeated some of the last words Darius had said to them before he left into the jungle in search for Ben.

The three girls looked at the eldest in shock. A audible gasp left Brooklynn's throat.

"Are we really just going to leave them there with that thing?" She questioned, bright green eyes focused on the Asian boy.

Kenji turned around and shook his head, brows furrowed. "It was direct orders from Darius, unless you all forgot; he took on being leader for us. He knew the consequences of his choices. I don't want to leave him as much as you guys, but sometimes it's the only choice."

The boy wasn't wrong. Darius knew all the things that could backfire onto him if he took the leadership role. He knew the consequences he had to make to get his friends out of the island and back to safe lands. Except with this strict order, he would only be saving four of the six that were trapped on the island. Darius was ready to sacrifice himself just to save all of them but himself if he had to. Four of the six isn't too bad though, right?

"Even if he did tell us with strict orders, why would we listen?" Yasmina questioned loudly.

Kenji looked around at the three girls repelling his idea of escape. He hated the idea of leaving them behind. Although, its what Darius would've wanted. Ben would probably be happy he had gotten to stay on the island like he planned, it was a win-win in his eyes. It wasn't a win-win in the girls eyes though.

Kenji looked at them with fierce determination, "We are leaving the island. As soon as we dock at Costa Rica, we leave for help. We can't help them on our own, I trust Darius with my life. The kid is smart, smarter than us; he will get himself and Ben out alive."

Kenji took a breath. "I know he will."

The girls looked at Kenji.

"We don't want to leave him as much as you do, Kenj. If you think this is the right call, then I guess we can go. We can get more people on board to help us find them if we come back." Brooklynn reluctantly agreed.

Kenji shook his head with a small smile appearing, he glanced at the other two girls.

"Fine, but if we find our two friends are dead. It all on you," Yasmina states, eyes hardened on Kenji.

He shook his head and quickly ran his way to the console. This was it, they were leaving. Kenji pushed down the feeling of regret and started the yacht.


I hope you are looking forward to this 'in the works' book. If you didn't read the description to thoroughly, this book will include the interactive game from Netflix as well. Although it will only be about Ben and Darius.

If you hadn't played the interactive game, then some of the further content will be a bit confusing to you. Although, I believe you'll be okay for the long run. I hope you look forward to this story, I sure do!

Thanks for Reading,


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