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"Okay so, where did you kids say you were from?" The man questioned looking at the four ragged up children in front of him.

"Isla Nublar, we were the campers issued there maybe five, six months ago," The girl answered, she pushed a strand of hair out of her face and placed it behind her ear.

The man nodded. "That place closed down around that time, what were you doing there?" He questioned.

"We got left behind there. We escaped, but we still have some friends on the island," The Texas accent budded in.

The officer nodded once again. "Let me get a hold of some people. We will get you reunited with your parents, after we will see to a rescue party back to Isla Nublar," He answered picking up the phone.

The group looked at each other and laughed in success. They had just made it to Costa Rica and after a long while had found a Police Station to get help. Not only were they soon to be reunited with their parents, they would soon get their two friends off the island. The friends had not had a better day in quite a while.

"Do you think they're okay?" Sammy questioned. Worry was written on her face as she looked around to her friends.

Kenji nodded, "Oh, yeah. Darius is super nerdy and Ben is full on Boy of the Jungle. If anyone can survive at least another week in that place, it's them."

Sammy smiled. "I guess you're right Kenj. We just have to be patient."

The four fell into silence and listened to the man on the telephone.

"Can someone please get me on a line with Claire Dearing? I know she is very busy, but this is an emergency. Yes, I understand. Thank you."

The man sighed and looked up to the four kids. "We can't get a hold of Miss. Dearing until at least tomorrow. Although in the meantime we will get ahold of your parents and send you to their residences."

"We would all like to go to the same place. We don't really care where, but you will need us to navigate you through Isla Nublar. We were stranded there for months. Nobody knows it better than us," Brooklynn explained to the officer.

The man smiled and nodded in understanding. "Of course, in the meantime we will get you an emergency residence at a nearby hotel for the night while we contact Miss. Dearing and your parents."

The four smiled at this. "I can't wait to get a hot shower. As well as a bed in the same night? I must be dreaming." Yas commented.

Sammy smiled and let out a laugh. "We get to see our parents too! I can't wait to get back home to the farm."

The four sat down in the waiting room for further news. It took a little longer than they wanted it to. Although before they knew it they were being taken to a hotel room with two beds and a bathroom. Nothing special as Kenji would've liked, but the temporary room was way better than their makeshift home back on Isla Nublar.

"We will be back in the morning with more news. It's recommended you don't leave the hotel and please, stay safe." The officer was dismissed as he gave they the keycard to Brooklynn and closed the door.

Brooklynn pocketed the card and faced her friends.

"How do you reckon Ben and Darius will react to us saving them?" She questions to her three friends claiming a bed.

They decided that Sammy and Yas took one and Brooklynn and Kenji took the other.

"I hope they're surprised. I really could smack Darius for leaving us behind," Yasmina answered.

Sammy nodded in agreeance. "Me too, I can't believe he went off to find Ben all on his own!"

Brooklynn faced her friends with a small smile. "Why do you think he was so persistent on going himself?"

The two girls shrugged their shoulders. Kenji was out of it laying on the bed with his hands crossed behind his head. The same position he would use on a so called 'resting tree'.

"Hadn't you noticed how the two gotten so much closer after Ben returned a couple months ago?" She questioned.

The Superstar got the same exact answer. Heads shaken in a 'no' and shrugs.

"Well I'm thinking that Darius has got a thing for ol' Island Boy," Brooklynn finishes her thought.

She heard gasps from all around. Sammy shot up with shock.

"You really think so?!" She questioned a smile appearing.

Brooklynn nodded, "Yep, I'll bet that by the time they come back; they're dating."

"I'll bet you they aren't together by the time we save their asses," Kenji piped up.

Brooklynn let out a laugh. "You're on!'

"I am going to take a very well needed shower," Yasmina piped up before standing and stretching.

The three nodded.

"I dibs being next!" Sammy's voice hollered to the others.

Despite the laughs they were sharing today, they secretly wished their two friends could've shared this time with them. If they had, they'd be on their way home. Separated; something the six weren't ready for, ever. After so much time together, they had grown closer as friends than anybody possibly could be in the world. They treasured their friendship and the constant joy and tragedies they put themselves through. Leaving them on that island was the worst mistake. Though, if they didn't leave, they wouldn't be here on the verge of help. Help that will hopefully create the end of their dance of danger.

Brooklynn wouldn't know what to do with herself once she made it back home to her dads. Her entire purpose for the last seven months has been to survive and help her friends. She hadn't uploaded on her channel for months, curiosity wracked her mind on what her fans would say once she returned. If she returned.

Yasmina returned in the same old, dirty clothes. Although her skin was spotless and her hair lacked grease and grime of the island.

"I feel like a whole new person," Yas commented.

Sammy laughed, "You look like a whole new person. Guess it's my turn." The two girls switched spots and Sammy disappeared into the bathroom.

The time felt like it passed by quickly. As soon as they knew it, all were clean and tired. The time seemed to fly by. This was something they weren't used to on the island. Days seemed to be long and tiring. While their days seemed to go on forever during their time on the island, the time spend on mainland was quick. It reminded them of the old saying, "time flies when you're having fun." If only the fun included their other two friends. If so, their time would've been perfect.

Brooklynn just hoped they had done the right thing to leave. If something were to happen in the time they were gone, they probably wouldn't even know until they didn't find a sign of them. Brooklynn did take a interest in knowing who Claire Dearing was. If the girl had something to do with Jurassic World, then Darius probably would've known her in and out.

Brooklynn sighed as she laid down. Kenji was already snoring next to her. She closed her eyes and wished her two friends as much safety you can get on the Dinosaur infested island. It wasn't a lot, but it made the girl feel better as she fell into a comfortable slumber.

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