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Brooklynn looked in the mirror and rubbed the rest of the dried dirt from her cheek. She took a glance at her bun and fixed the loose strands. Her hair was damp from the shower she took about ten minutes ago.

She was preparing herself. Not only were the scheduled to meet their parents, they were hopefully going to see Claire Dearing. Who is apparently able to help them get Darius and Ben from Isla Nublar. Brooklynn could only hope the two were safe.

The vlogger left the bathroom and met her friends in the hallway of their small room. Sammy held a gleeful smile plastered on her face.

"Ooh, I can't wait to see our parents! And we can save Darius and Ben, everything is starting to look up," Sammy laughed and excitedly shook Yas.

Brooklynn shook he head, "I cant wait to see my dads again. Wait until I tell the Brooklanders what we've been up to."

Kenji chuckles, "I don't even know if my dad will be there, but if we save Ben and Darius it'll sure make up for his absence."

"We better get going, we want to save Darius and Ben as soon as possible." Brooklynn glanced towards her friends.

"Sure, let's go."

The four took their very limited items and left the room.

"The officer should be here anytime soon to take us to see Claire Dearing," Brooklynn mentioned as she handed the receptionist their keycard.

They made their way outside the hotel. No cops were in sight so they must've not been there yet.

The four sat on the concrete sidewalk as they waited.

They weren't sure what was to come. The last few days have been so eventful. Unfortunately, the days ahead seem to look the same way. They were supposedly supposed to meet their parents, a Claire Dearing, and returning to the dino ridden island they had just escaped from. Brooklynn was ready to return, though. If she would return under any other circumstances, she would've denied without a thought. Although, the two teens that were stuck there while they got their freedom didn't sit right with her. Even if she went there just to find out they were gone. She hoped it didn't come to that and by some miracle they were alive. Brooklynn knew with their luck, not to expect too much.

"So Brook."

The girl erased her thoughts to listen to her friend.

"You meant the bet you said last night?" Kenji questioned. He was laying on the sidewalk hand latched behind his head.

Brooklynn hummed, "Of course I did. Have you really not noticed their relationship once Ben returned?"

Kenji sat up next to the girl.

"Not really, but you know how I am." Kenji chuckled.

Brooklynn hummed in amusement. "I wonder what Claire Dearing is like. If they're going straight for her she must be a Dino savvy like Darius."

The four sat in a relative silence. Other than Kenji's random humming and cars driving past on the road, they waited patiently.

"You think for police they would be relatively faster to pick up children," Yaz commented.

Brooklynn chuckled, "You'd think."

Speak of the devil and he shall come. A police car came in sight and parked in front of the kids. Once the car was parked and off the man exited the vehicle.

"Sorry kids, we got caught up in phone calls with your parents and Mrs. Dearing."

The officer stood in front of the kids, he held a notepad.

"So what's the name of the two kids you're looking to find on Isla Nublar. We would like to contact their parents to tell them about the circumstances." He took of the sunglasses he wore and sat them up top his head.

Brooklynn stood, "Darius Bowman and Ben Pincus."

He nodded and wrote down the names.

"So, you will be escorted to Puerto Caldera for boat departure to Isla Nublar. Claire Dearing said she would get everything prepared on her way here."

Brooklynn nodded, "If you don't mind. Two of our Camp counselors, Roxy and Dave, we would like them to come with us. They know the island as well, more people the better."

The officer nodded, "Of course we will see if we can gain a hold of them and ask if they would like to participate in the search."

Brooklynn heard Sammy cheer behind her.

"Come with me please, we are going to go to the police station and have you escorted in a more comfortable vehicle."

Kenji smiled, "First class? Sounds good to me." Kenji quickly made his way to the police car and got in quickly.

The others followed in suit. Sammy sat in front while the others got into the back.

Brooklynn smiled to herself. So far so good. She was wondering how Ben and Darius had gotten along without them. The two probably held down the fort while they were absent. Brooklynn faintly remembered that they didn't have much food back at the camp. She hoped they were doing good on that part. Water was fairly easy to come by. River water isn't the most sanitary thing. Though they boiled the water to get rid of germs and parasites. Unfortunately, they had to wait for it to cool down before they drank the water.

"They better be okay or else I'll bring them back just to scold them."

Brooklynn whispered this under her breath with a chuckled sigh.

Sorry for the late update! This chapter is about 300 words shorter than usual, but there isn't much to write until later on in their adventure. Either way, I hoped you enjoyed!

-Officially Darius

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