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"Maybe if we're quick we can see a whole bunch of dinosaurs bonding!" The boy shouted as he picked up his pace. The other behind him let out a small huff of laughter and jogged to help himself catch up with the other.

Ben let out a breath. "Hey, what made you so fascinated in dinosaurs anyways?"  The boy was genuinely curious. They had all known that Darius was a giant Dinosaur nerd, the reasoning behind it however, were unknown. 

By this time Darius had slowed down his heightened pace and walked next to the other. 

Darius chuckled as he thought of what to reply with. 

"My dad was a Paleontologist; someone who studies fossils of past life." Ben could hear the other take a deep breath in. 

"He-he would show me photos of all the bones he found and tell me all about the creature it was from. He wasn't home often due to his work, but when he was it was usually for a long period of time." The younger had to stop talking to regain his own thoughts. He blinked forming tears out of his eyes and continued his story.

"Dad would tell me all about dinosaurs and the people associated with them being reborn. I learned basically everything I know about them from him. Some I even learnt myself. All I wanted to do was go see Jurassic World with him after that; we all know how that turned out though," Darius let out a choked laugh. 

Ben mentally scolded himself for asking. He just ruined the mood and made Darius upset. 

"I'm sorry for asking. I can see how much it hurts for you to say."

Darius hummed.

"It's okay, I've been told that grief should be delt with friends or family. Sometimes I keep it to myself for too long," Darius chuckled to himself while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

A hand locked onto his own making Darius pause in his step. He only gained a glance at their intertwined hands before he was pulled into a hug. Bens arms wrapped around his waist while Darius' locked behind the others neck. Ben could feel the smaller boy tighten. In response Ben tightened his hold as well.

"Thank you, Ben. For making me feel better." The boys muffled voice came out. 

Ben held a small smile, "Of course, If you ever need anybody to talk to, I'm here. I may not understand it very well, but it is better than keeping it in." 

The two stayed in the position for another minute before Ben, reluctantly, pulled away. The heat of the others body disappearing, Ben wouldn't ever admit that he wanted to feel the warmth of the other again. 

"We should go find Bumpy. It's only midday, maybe you can tell me a bit more about the dinosaurs that may be at the watering hole." 

Darius gave the older a sheepish smile and a nod. "Yeah, sure."

The two continued walking in silence. Their destination wasn't too far as Ben had racing thoughts. Ben turned his head towards the forest that surrounds them, specifically away from Darius. His cheeks flushed at his previous thoughts. There wasn't any way he could've actually liked Darius, right? He never had experienced this feeling before the other met him. It wasn't an awful feeling, either. More like an upset stomach, which could be classified at butterflies. He noticed how his heart pumped in his ears, much faster than the usual pace. He noticed how his face heated at the mere presence of the other. Something he couldn't possibly do about now that it was only Darius and him. 

Ben looked back from the woods. He could see the clearing right ahead, the clearing that would reveal the watering hole. 

Darius took a glance towards the other. 

"You okay?" Darius sent the other a smile.

Ben looked at the joyous other. He smiled as if what they talked about five minutes ago was nearly a month forgotten. Ben's heart beat quickly against his chest.

"Never better, Dino-nerd." Ben sent the other a smile.

By now they had finally met the clearing. The sun beamed across the valley, it was a fairly hot day. Completely different from the freezing nights they endure. 

Most of the dinosaurs that stood across the way were herbivores. It wasn't too unusual since most of the island contained herbivores. The carnivores they had encountered usually like their own space, although they were definitely known for going after the herbivores when hungry. Sometimes they would hear the roaring echo across the island, this usually telling them where not to go and that the carnivore is hunting.

The place mostly contained Ankylosaurus' and Parasaurolophus'. There were a few other herbivores around, a couple vile compy as well. Although, thankfully, the compies spent no mind to the boys walking towards the pool of water. 

The bandana wearing boy looked around for the familiar cyan plates of a genetically made Ankylosaurus. His eyes skimmed the horns and back of the dinosaurs, no use. All were much bigger than Bumpy in size. Their horns were symmetrical, as well as their backs showed a dirty brown or dark grey. Bumpy's color stood out like a sore thumb, Ben didn't mind. She was easier to spot with that; if you can't see her asymmetrical horns that is. 

Ben frowned, "Bumpy isn't here either." Bens mind wracked other places she could be. They still had to check her favorite berry bushes, which conveniently was common ground for the boy. He had been stuck there for basically a month. 

"You think she is at the berry bushes?" Worry could be seen written on the others face. 

Ben gave the other a reassuring smile. He sat his hand on the others shoulder. "It's the most likely area she would be. Plus if she isn't; Bumpy's a strong girl, we will come meet us at base sometime later."

He said that to reassure Darius. Or maybe it was to reassure himself. The less they find the dinosaur the more Ben grew worries about her whereabouts. They also needed her to help them continue fixing their (hopefully) temporary home.

"Maybe I'll tell you about dinosaurs later. If you still want me to that is," Darius spoke up. They walked past the watering hole towards the woods once again. They did have to walk past the clearing to get to their destination, but who couldn't go for a nice walk in the sun? 

Ben shot Darius a smile, "Of course, Dare. After we find Bumpy that is." 

Darius nodded in understanding. He was glad Ben's offer was still on the table. He could really use someone to geek out his thoughts to. Out of his friends none of them actually enjoyed listening to his rants about dinosaurs. He guessed it was a constant reminder of their situation. Ben, though, listened to some extent. Even for that, Darius treasured the small time he spent. Darius remembered when he would rant to Brandon after his fathers passing. Darius felt like his older bother did it unwillingly, as if it were his job to take the place of his father and be the recipient of his rants. Darius didn't like to think too much about it. As long as someone was there to hear his thoughts, he would be okay. In this case, Ben was the only one that could lend an ear when he wanted to speak. Darius had a slight suspicion that Ben was alright with these unsaid terms. 

It was Bens turn to lead the two. Darius looked up towards the other boy and sent him his own, reassuring smile.

"Sounds like a plan."

Dangerous Trek | Benrius | JWCC Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now