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The two boys ran as fast as their legs would take them. Branches of trees, bushes, anything in their way was pushed off carelessly.

"Come on, Ben! We're almost to the docs," Darius shouted to the boy running behind him. His heart pumped in his ears and his breathing was heavy. Air didn't seem to want to cooperate with the tiring boy as he ran.

He pushed one last fern bush out of the way and slowed his aching legs. Looking out to the doc, the yacht wasn't there. Darius breathed in much needed air and let out a sigh. The sight of the missing boat was awful. Darius knew he told them to leave if not there by sunrise, he didn't think they really would. A part of him was glad they did. They could finally leave the island; live a normal life.

"We're too late," Ben whispered.

Darius stole a glance at the island boy. His eyes were filled with dread. Darius' heart pinged with guilt, if he only did more. Maybe, just maybe, they could've made it out. If he could've talked to Ben quicker, changed his mind. Maybe they could've gotten out, they wouldn't be on this island with murderous animals.

"You didn't want to stay... Did you?" Darius questioned looking at the boy. Ben took a glance at Darius, his eyes filled with guilt.

His voice hitched as he tried to speak. "No, I didn't. After I saw Bumpy with her herd, I knew that I couldn't protect her forever. I love Bumpy, but I love you guys more."

Darius didn't know what to say. Not that he could as Ben continued on, "If we didn't fight, if-if I would've listened... Maybe we would've made it in time. It's all my fault."

Darius perked up at that.

"Your fault? None of this is your fault. I told them if we didn't make it back by sunrise, they should leave. Then again, I didn't think they would," Darius let out a nervous chuckle.

The silence was loud, they had to figure out how to get rid of the E750 without dying. Easy peasy, if you had more than two kids.

The silence was broken by a giant screeching roar. The boys jumped at the sound. The two looked around their surrounding area. Mere second later Ben was tapping Darius' arm as low whimpers left him. Darius turned to face Ben's direction. His eyes widened at the sight of the genetically engineered dinosaur.

Another roar rang in the boy's ears. It wasn't from the dinosaur they were looking at though. They turned to the tree where another of the same Dinosaur emerged.

"There's two of them?!" Darius shouted as the looked between the two growling dinosaurs.

Unexpectedly, the two dinosaurs jumped attacking each other. The ground shook as the boys bent down to cover themselves. They looked at the scene of the two fighting. Ben took a glance at the limo nearby and he quickly grabbed Darius' wrist and pulled him away. The two ran to the limo, Ben quickly opened the door and ushered Darius in first before he got in himself. The door slammed and Ben watched Darius throw on his seatbelt. A glance was shared to Darius. He only smiled sheepishly.

"Reflex," He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. The two yelled as the limo was roughly ran into by the fighting Scorpio Rexes.

Ben quickly buckled his own seatbelt as well. The glass shattered around them. The dinosaurs continue fighting. This only resulted in the limo being thrown and the two boy inside hitting their head and blacking out.


Darius breathed heavily and coughed at the dust rushing towards him. The thousand pounds of debris collapsing onto the two Scorpio Rexes. Darius stared at the part of scales peeking from the rubble. A left in breath finally left his lungs allowing more air in. Silence filled the scene.

A firm hand laid on his shoulder. "C'mon, lets get back to our treehouse."

Darius nodded in silence and followed the older boy. They weren't close to their place, whatsoever. The walk would be dreadful. Darius knew neither of the two had slept for a couple days. Too preoccupied with the whole 'Scorpios Rex' thing trying to kill them.

"Maybe if we find Bumpy on the way, we can have her carry us to the camp," Ben suggested.

Darius looked up with tired eyes. A yawn escaped the boys lips, "Sure. I could really use a nap."

Ben chuckled at the response, "Hell of a day, huh?"

Darius hummed confirming his thoughts. "Definitely."

The cleared sight of wooden debris brought a comfortable smile to Darius. The two walked towards the broken fence.

"We will definitely have to fix that," Ben joked.

"Maybe Bumpy could help us pick it up. Since y'know there isn't six of us anymore," Darius says.

Ben shook his head, "Sounds like a plan, for tomorrow that is."

Darius faced the boy confused, " Tomorrow? Why tomorrow."

The two stood at the bottom of the ladder leading to their home.

"One: It's getting dark, Two: I'm going to clean up as much as I can out here, Three: You are going to get some rest." The boy stated sternly, climbing up the ladder.

Darius scoffed, "Rest while you do all the work? That doesn't work for me."

The boy climbed up the ladder behind him. The place was almost completely looted out from taking their belongings to the yacht. Ben didn't have too much in the first place, but he had more than Darius now. Since he planned on staying anyways.

"Are you sure you want to stay up?" Darius questioned looking around the messy looking so called living room.

Ben hummed,"Of course, I have this place under complete control."

Darius gave the other boy a sheepish look. He turned his body to face the other.

"You aren't planning of running off, are you?" Darius asked, his voice stern.

Ben looked back towards his friend as he picked up a discarded can.

"You really think I'm going to leave you all alone, especially when there is no one else on the Island but us?" Ben questioned, disbelief plastered across his face.

Darius let out a cheeky grin while rubbing the back of his neck.


Ben groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Get to bed; I won't leave this area, you have my word," Ben declared.

Darius took one last look at the other before he sighed in defeat. He made his way towards the bunks. It felt too quiet without the other campers. No sounds of Kenji's snoring that they all had gotten used to; no good nights from Sammy. It didn't feel real. Darius sat on his bottom bunk; Kenji declared himself the owner of the top one.

The boy laid down. His body rested into the stiff mattress, they weren't even good whenever the camp was intact. Besides that, Darius could feel the energy drain away from his body. His body fell into its deep slumber; not his mind.

Darius closed his eyes in thought. He wondered how the hell he would figure out a way off the island now. Rafts were out of the question. That idea had gone and passed nearly three weeks ago. There was no boat to escape on. Helicopters or flight vehicles of any kind aren't allowed over the island.

His first plan was to make this place safe again. His mind wracked all the damage he had seen in the limited sun. The fence was down, they had already established that. He would have to go around and see if any of the walls needed fixed or the roof for that matter.

More food and water was a necessity. He wasn't too sure how they would find more of that. They've searched most the island for everything. Maybe Kenji's penthouse? They hadn't scavenged that place well. Without Brooklynns keycard they couldn't just get in and out, the vents could work for that.

Darius sighed at the plans he mapped in his brain. His mind finally slowed down as he moved his arms close to his chest. Blankets were a scarce thing to come by. They also used them for the failed raft, none were remaining for the cold night ahead. Darius let out one last breath before he succumbed to darkness.

Dangerous Trek | Benrius | JWCC Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now