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Somewhere along the way Darius had decided to slide off of Bumpy to walk on his own. Not without Ben protesting him walking every now and again. Darius used it as an excuse to keep himself awake, it didn't seem to be working too well. Why Darius seemed to think this was a good idea? Who the hell knows. All Darius felt was more fatigue on his already sluggish body. 

"Come on Dare, we're almost to camp, you should really get back on Bumpy," Ben tried looking over to the boy walking below him. He got an ignored hum from the other.

"Don't make me drag you up here because I will," Ben stated sternly. 

Darius let out a sigh, "I'll be okay, Ben." 

Ben only rolled his eyes but didn't bother him about it. The two continued on their path forward. Ben looked up towards the trees. The jungle trees were littered with vines. Moss grew on the wood like a plague. Ben looked past the green leaves to the greying sky. A storm seemed to be approaching, from the looks of the darkening clouds, it seems like its going to be a bad one. 

"We should get going back to camp, it seems like its going to rain anytime soon." 

Ben glazed down to his walking friend.

"Come one, lets get back before we get drenched," Ben says moving to the side of Bumpy to lend out a hand towards the other.

Darius looked at the other and reluctantly took his hand. Ben easily pulled the other up and sat the other boy close behind him. Ben ordered Bumpy to go a bit faster, which she easily accomplished. 

Ben looked back to the sluggish boy. "If you're having trouble staying on, you can always just hold on to me." 

Ben mentally scolded himself after he said that. He was quick to add on, "O-only because you're tired. I wouldn't want you falling asleep and slipping off!"

Ben turned back around as embarrassment wrapped around his mind. Why would he even suggest that?! He guesses he was only trying to help a friend but somewhere in the back of his mind he knew it was more than that. 

Thunder crashed above them. It was loud and prolonged, nothing either of them would like to be stuck out in. Ben was almost going to get Bumpy to go faster until arms wrapped around his waist and a head fell slumped on his shoulder. He could hear Darius' scattered breathing. It was something he was very familiar with. Darius was scared? Of the storm he had to guess. Ben couldn't see why he would be afraid of such a thing, something he ought to remember to ask about once it cleared up. 

Ben sat a reassuring hand on one of the entangled arms around his waist. His other was placed securely in front of him on Bumpy as she sped up. He felt Darius' arms tighten around him telling Ben that he was conscious and felt his reassurance. Ben was quickly relieved by this as they grew closer to their camp. 

More thunder sounded and the skies were officially covered in dark grey clouds. They usually don't get very many storms here, but when they do; they're usually really bad. This one was no different from the others. 

Ben looked through the trees and could see their small clearing. The large debris of their old camp and their new(not really improved) camp. Ben let out an audible sigh as Bumpy slowed down once she got closer. Ben gave her appreciative taps on the back and glanced to the boy behind him. 

He rubbed his thumb across the others hand. "We're here, let's get you to bed." Ben noticed the nearly inaudible 'mhm' from the other and unwrapped the others arms from around him. Definitely something he didn't want to do, but he had to. 

Ben slipped off Bumpy and helped Darius off himself. Now that they were in the clearing Ben could rightfully see the clouds. Not a speck of sunlight remained. Ben ushered the other to their camp. 

"Bumpy and I will do as much as we can before it starts raining, get some rest." 

Darius nodded, "Thanks, Ben." 

That was the last of their conversation before Darius climbed up the ladder. Ben watched him climb up, once he was out of sight he turned to Bumpy.

"Alright Bumpster, looks like its up to us to clean."

The herbivore gave him a low roar before the two got to work. Most of the work only consisted of picking up the fences. Which Ben remembers him and Darius agreeing to set them up together. A part of the fence was leaning on a tree. The rest of it was completely fallen over, the two had just been walking over it for the last couple of days. The fence was large, and from the first time they had put it up, it was heavy. Also the two people had four sets of hands to help them put it up. Now its just them two and a short dinosaur. 

Ben decided to leave the fence alone and wait for Darius. The other probably already had a plan mapped out to get it up anyways. Or he was in bed thinking of one currently. Either could be entirely true. 

Bens gaze from the fence met the sky after a drop of rain fell on his shoulder. He sighed, the rain would be coming down any minute. He guessed cleaning would have to come tomorrow. He hadn't even been able to get anything done yet. 

He took a look at Bumpy. "C'mon girl, let's get out of the rain." 

Ben remembers awhile ago he had insisted a place for Bumpy to sleep when it did rain. Even if the others didn't agree he would've went on his own and made it himself. Darius though had helped his argument and gotten the four to help him create an area perfect for Bumpy. Ben had thanked Darius multiple times during then, and he would thank him again. 

Bumpy knew where to go and Ben watched as the dinosaur slowly went to her spot and laid down. Ben had rudely woken the girl up awhile ago, best she get her nap in now while it was about to rain. 

More drops fell onto Ben before he could make it to the ladder. He quickly climbed it before it started to pour. Ben turned to watch the rain beginning to fall. Thankfully they had found a few tarps to put on the roof. They had also put multiple rows of wood to prevent the rain from catching on it and flooding in. 

Ben mentally thanked their little luck and turned to the built home. Ben made his way to the bedroom filled with two bunkbeds. He took a short glance at Darius who had already fallen asleep on his bottom bunk. He remembered the story Darius told him that Kenji insisted on having top. Ben let out a small chuckle and made his way back to their so called 'living room.' 

He leaned on the fencing at their entrance and let out a tired yawn. He wouldn't go to sleep now that it was only the two of them. Usually they were constantly switching shifts to let the other get sleep. He would rather Darius be at his fullest before he got the rest he needed. Knowing this, Ben stared out to the raining woods and listened to the patter of droplets on the tarp above. 

Dangerous Trek | Benrius | JWCC Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now