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The two continued walking to their destination. It wasn't too far away that Bumpy's favorite berry bushes lie. Bens usual slow pace quickened. He began to grow worried for the genetically engineered dinosaur as he raised her literally from birth. The day was slowly going by. Even when the sun was beaming over their heads, it felt like forever ago they left their makeshift treehouse.

Ben looked around the surrounding forest. He could hear Darius' footsteps close behind. The jungle boy kept his eye out for a lazy dinosaur, specifically one with a irregular horn and hardened cyan plates covering it's back. Ben found himself at a familiar clearing. The one he woke up on all those months ago alone and dirty. Not a day goes by where Ben doesn't think of the time he was left alone. Ben wouldn't admit the small tinge of separation anxiety he gotten from his time alone. Although the boy was now hardened, his past self couldn't help but cower in fear. Ben became unsure of how to react to his old self. Deep down the boy still felt intense fear. This feeling, though, it was covered by fierce determination. A determination to escape the jungle and emerge back to his friends.

Ben smiled at the thought of his friends. His reunion with them was something he would never forget. The faces he was met with filled him with adoration and joy. He never knew someone could be so intensely missed. Not until he was met with Darius' crushing hug. The constant apologies from the other boy still grasped tightly at his heart. He knew the other didn't mean it. Ben had long forgiven him for that mishap. Part of him wanted to thank the other boy. Thank him for the opportunity to become something better. Something he never knew he could ever become; brave. For this; he would repay the other tenfold.

"C'mon, it's just this way," Ben ordered walking towards the woods.

Darius followed closely behind. The boy never actually seen the place Ben was hold up at for nearly a month. Although Ben did tell them that it wasn't anything big. All he said was there was a good source of water and a few berry bushes nearby. Nothing more was said of it, the group was just happy for him to be back.

Darius took a glance at Ben. His dirty blonde hair was greasy and thrown everywhere, obviously uncared for. Unless you were very perceptive, you would barely be able to tell if it were dirty. Darius thought back to when he had gone on a lone mission to find the other. Darius spilt his feelings about the tragic situation months ago. He was reassured that he wasn't at fault, something he wasn't too keen on agreeing to.

Darius remembered the vague confession like it was yesterday. The boy knew it wasn't anything other than platonic. Although he couldn't help the embarrassment that emerged and his heart that seemed to pumped three times faster. Darius knew he had to become known to his feelings. Part of him felt ashamed and embarrassed for the feelings that hadn't seemed to stop growing since the day they reunited. Darius was overly embarrassed to admit it to himself; he was definitely in love with the other boy.

Darius couldn't help the red that grew to his cheeks and ears. The boy took his eyes off the other and faced the woods. His heart hurt, his stomach felt sick. The feeling of love was so foreign to him. The fact that he had to endure these feelings he barely understood himself was terrifying. Even the thought of what Ben would think sickened him. Perhaps he would create courage and confess if they ever get off the island. Any other time didn't seem right.

"Darius, are you okay?"

The boy looked up and came face to face with the taller camper he had just been thinking about. Darius only chuckled nervously with a quick nod of his head.

"Yep! Let's just- oh look there's Bumpy."

Ben perked up at his dinosaurs name. Turning, Bumpy's sleeping form came into view.

Darius swore he heard a relieved sigh escape his friend. He also mentally thanked Bumpy for getting himself out of that situation. A situation he didn't want to be it just yet.

The two walk towards the sleeping dinosaur. Darius watched as Ben ran his hand up her back as he walked towards he her slumped head. The boy pet the dinosaur and kneeled down in front of her.

"Hey Bumper car."

Darius watched as the boy smiled.

"I was starting to get worried there, girl. Couldn't find ya'," Ben talked to the dinosaur who was just finally waking up.

Bumpy lets out a soft groan in reply.

"We need a bit of your help at camp, c'mon girl," Ben says as he stands up. Ben took a few steps away while the Ankylosaurus stands up.

Once the dinosaur stands up Ben easily climbs onto her back. Ben turned to face his friend. He extended a hand.

"C'mon, maybe we can stop by a warehouse on our way back. We do need to scavenge for some more supplied, unless you want to starve."

Darius took the other boy's hand and pulled himself up behind the other.

"We made it this far, I'd prefer not to go out starving," Darius laughed.

Ben silently ordered the dinosaur they were on toward the direction of home.

The three moved silently through the woods back the way they came. The only sound was the breathing of the two boys and the leaves crunching underneath of the dinosaurs heavy weight. Darius let out a yawn. Even with a nearly full night of sleep, fatigue seemed to come over him. The amount of walking seemed to take a toll on him. Even though the walk wasn't that bad. His body felt fatigued, maybe a few days at the camp and relaxing is due. Darius couldn't express how much his body ached from the time delt on the island.

"Do you need more sleep? I can take another watch." Ben seemed to take notice to Darius' sluggishness.

Darius looked at the boy in front of him.
"No, I'll be alright. I'd prefer to take patrol for you. You need your sleep as well."

Ben hummed. "I should be alright for another night. Plus, Bumpy and I can get some of the fences up."

Darius instantly disagreed. "Why would I ever let you do that alone? You must be delusional."

Ben let out a laugh. "Darius, I've seen you when you're tired. You are literally out like a light; you're not staying up all night."

Before Darius had a chance to even reply Ben piped back up.
"I also seen you the last like twenty minutes. Your brain isn't working as fast as it usually is, Darius. I'd prefer you get your sleep, at least I'm functional when tired."

Darius scoffed, "I'm functional when tired."

This made Ben turn and look at the other boy. Who, in return, gave him a sheepish look and a shy smile.

"That's what I thought. Hopefully we can get back without any casualties."

Darius only hummed in return.


I apologize for the late chapter. I was very sick this past week and had no Motivation to write. If there any spelling mistakes let me know and I will quickly fix the issue. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

Your writer,

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