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Once Darius woke up he could hear the small patter of rain. He slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked around, the place smelled like freshly fallen rain. A very welcoming smell. His mother talked about how she loved the smell of rain so she would sit on the porch with a big cup of coffee. Darius let out a pained smiled as he pushed himself off his bed and guided himself towards the living room.

He saw Ben sitting on a chair facing outside. From what the boy could see, Bens arms were crossed and his head slumped down. Darius grimaced at the pain in his friends neck. Definitely will not feel good once he woke. Darius noticed the quiet snores that escaped the other as he walked closer. Darius lets out a small chuckle and went to stand in front of the other. He looked at the other and took in every sleeping feature. He hadn't seen Ben so calm in forever. Come to think of it, Ben had always looked scared or stern. Apart from being a germaphobe and being scared of the smallest things to toughening up and not minding the smallest bit of dirt like he used to, Darius hadn't actually seen his friend genuinely calm. The look seemed welcoming and Darius wished he could see him like this more often. Well, he could only wish. Reluctantly, Darius started to tap his shoulder.

"Ben, come on. You have to get up."

Ben slurred and his eyes fluttered open. He rubbed his eye and looked up toward the other.

"Darius, good morning."

"Morning, I'm going to go out and see if I can scavenge something to eat."

Darius seriously needed something to eat, he could feel the upcoming fatigue from a mile away. The fatigue of not eating in days, he was well rested and wished to not last another day without food.

Ben looked at the boy questionably. Seconds later, he stood up.

"Would you like me to come with you?" He asked locking eyes with the other camper who was seconds from climbing down the ladder.

Darius shook his head, a smile showing his dimples. "No, I'll be fine." Darius finished climbing down the ladder stepping in a puddle of mud which just added to the dirt and muck of his converses.

The wind was strong. Darius let out a huff as it harshly blew into him.

Darius shot another glance to the dirty blonde boy. "I'll meet you back here in an hour or so."

Ben nodded and sent the other a quick wave. "Be careful out there. If you're gone longer than two hours I will look for you."

Darius let out a chuckle as he made his way towards the jungle.

He couldn't think whether he left on his own to clear his mind or if he was genuinely going to look for food. Food would definitely be a plus, but Darius started to think they searched every place possible. Well, except the penthouse. Maybe when he comes back the two can go check there. Darius nodded to himself at the idea. All the food nearby had been picked already. It was in preparation for their leave on the yacht. After not making it, Darius regretted his decisions. He also mentally scolded himself for not asking Ben to grab some berries. They had been so worried by Bumpy he guesses any sort of food in mind was left on hold.

Further out he goes then. Darius kept an ear out for any noises. They hadn't been so far away from camp let alone by themselves. Darius starts to regret not having the company of Ben. Having another person with you in this situation is always a little reassuring. Darius continued to look out around the jungle. It seems to go on forever. It makes everything seem like they're stuck in a desert, constant sand, but in this situation its the woods and they actually get water. Thankfully. Darius grimaces at the thought of being stuck in a desert instead of the jungle they're in right now. He would definitely prefer their current situation, plus Darius wasn't the fan of hot weather.

He could hear rushing water and if he weren't mistaken, a low clicking sound? Darius continued looking around him, nothing was in sight. The only thing that seemed to be was birds flying through the leaves now and again. The wind blew again, nearly knocking him down. He looked up at the trees once more. He let out a pained laugh as he noticed something high up in the trees. Not any fruit he could recognize, but food was food. Hell, even if it was fruit. Darius was so sick of fruit...

Well, the only way up was to climb. Now he definitely regretted not bringing Ben. He literally loves going by 'Jungle Man,' climbing trees for the other was second nature. Ben would use any excuse to climb one. He was definitely better at climbing them than Darius. Another reason Darius needed to bring Ben. Company, and now to climb for him. Sure, Darius can climb a tree, he's done it here multiple times. Although, he wasn't very confident in his climbing skills and the tree was tall. Darius saw no problem in at least attempting.


A clicking sound reappeared. His vision was blurry. Not like he could open his eyes much anyways, his head throbbed. He took a deep breath and exhaled before his eyes shut once again.


"Great job Bumpster!"

Ben looked to the fences. They stood high. It look hell of a lot of work to get up. The ankylosaurus definitely made it hell of a lot easier. Ben couldn't wait to tell Darius they got the fence up. Sure, Darius was going to help him with him. A pinch of guilt held him on that part, but he knew Darius would be thankful. And definitely feel a whole lot better at the fence being up.

Another harsh windgust blew. Ben let out a sigh. It had already rained hell of a lot last night. Ben questioned how the other never woke up from the constant lightning and the even more occurring thunder. He had checked on the other every now and again during the night and remembered his friend had barely moved.

"You think Darius should've been back by now?" Ben questioned to Bumpy. The girl only let out an uninterested roar.

Ben shook his head, "Of course he would've been back by now, Bumpy. Darius doesn't miss his own deadlines."

Something struck Ben at that second. It felt like an internal gunshot. Goddamn it, Darius.

"He was supposed to be back by now, what if something happened?! Fuck, I knew I should've gone with him."

Ben rubbed his pained neck and looked out towards the deep woods. He gestured for Bumpy to follow him.

Of course the one time Ben let the other go by himself something had to happen. What if Darius was dead? If they ever found help how in the hell would he explain this to the others parents. Let alone their friends.

Ben let out a low growl, mostly meant for himself. He hastily went deep into the Jungle. Following the direction his friend had gone less than two hours ago.

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