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"Before I begin, please make yourself at home and fill your plate. I've had them bring an assortment of things to best suit your desires." He waves his hand over the mounds of options, my own heart lurching towards the fruit, "I've also had the dog keeper start heading this way. I'm sure your pup would love time in the gardens after our discussion."

"Thank you. I appreciate you feeding me." Feeding me? What kind of statement is that and why does my heart swell at the thought of Victor taking the time to have all of this set up. He nods slowly, knuckles turning a slight white when he wrings his hands together. I don't know how to move forward. This corset is tight, my eyes are trailing around, and the sight of my dog bouncing through the flowers catches my eye. I don't want to give into the burning that eats at me to crawl over this table and claim the vampire duke.

Submitting to me is something I plan to earn. A simple statement, but one full of promise. Irene doesn't seem the least bit afraid of working in the Dukedom, more so it seems like the few humans I've laid eyes on seem happy, "You must be wondering why I brought you here." The words drip with something I can't identify, a secret that he appears to be keeping.

"It's crossed my mind a couple times." I don't move towards the food. I'd rather finish the conversation, understand my purpose, before I shove my face with the assorted goods. What if his goal is to fatten me up like the children's stories and eat me?

"I'll continue when you eat, Evelyn." Another hard stare. Blood eyes drilling into my own. My dog barks in excitement at the sight of another animal, the handler let's her off lease to run. I wish I could be her, be the dog that rushing around without a care in the world, "I won't ask again." His words drug me back to center. I grab random things for my plate, then shove the first fruit I touched into my mouth. The juices run down my chin. I've never tasted something so flavorful. I'm shoving another in my mouth as soon as I swallow the first. It takes everything to stop and clean my face while the vampire's eyes trail with the liquid running down.

"There," I swallow the last bit and drop the napkin, "I ate."

"Good girl. Now, onto the matters at hand. From now on you are to call me Victor. To you, we are equals. I noticed your excellence in school and wanted to bring in someone of your business background, and tech expertise. Our lands are well cared for, however some processes should and will be improved under your lead."

"You kidnapped me so I could be your business partner?" The surprise tumbles from me, I hadn't expected this. I didn't want this. I went to school to get a job at a high-end company on the human side, then travel the world once I had enough money and approval from the vampires.

"Only part of the reason, the other part... If I feel nice, I might tell you." He muses looking over my enraged face, "However, it doesn't seem like I'm feeling it today."

"Wait..." I try to beg him to continue, but the Duke doesn't. He waves his hand to silence me, and I listen. While he might be nice enough, he still holds a power behind those gloved hands that I could never combat. No matter how much my body desires to press up against him, let him stake his horrid claim, I'll never be able to touch his skin. It's a deadly curse upon him from Irene's explanation, "Your gift. Are you able to control it?"

"And why should I tell you? So, you can plot against me and take revenge for stealing you away?" His entire body goes rigid. I didn't expect this question to seem so personal for him, "It is. Asking a vampire about their gift is considered rude, invasive, horrible. All the wicked things that trail through your head."

"Did I say that aloud?" Victor doesn't answer, "I just wanted to understand. Some part of me is sad for you that you can't touch people, other parts terrified of what you can do." The honesty surprised me. It didn't surprise Victor who let out a deep sigh.

"I have a few things to tell you before I should elaborate. As we are going into a partnership, I'll trust you tentatively with the information. I warn, Evelyn, for your safety that you keep such things to yourself. My desire is never to be angry around you, but all things have exception." A threat? No. A promise. The information I was so eager to learn minutes before in that meeting room is being dropped on my lap, a promise of death to come with it if I step the wrong way, "I wouldn't kill you, Evelyn. I'd tie you to my bed without promise of release."

No. You can't say things like that. Even Victor looked away with a heavy sigh. His fingers go white again, his strain going tight between his hands. I know the feeling; I mumble in my own mind. Something is happening between us, and I want to avoid that at all possible, "Will you tell me then? I promise to keep quiet. I don't wish to be tied down." Oh yes, I do. Victor clears his throat shifting upwards in his seat.

After a readjustment, he continues, "I can control it everywhere but my hands. That's why I wear gloves. Vampires always have some weakness, some limit to their power, and mine is the lack of ability to touch another's skin with my own hands without promise of their end." He seems sad by it, his own eyes looking down to the ground, "However there is always an exception."

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