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If you've ever been to a farmers market, think of that on steroids. Masses of people fill the smaller square, their bodies sliding against one another to get to the booths. Music blares, different foods fill my nose. This is the energy I needed to be distracted with. Unlike what I'd imagine, there isn't a human blood bag in sight. Humans, or half-bloods, and the vamps are enjoying time together. Everything seems so normal, "Everything you've been taught, Evie, I would encourage you to forget."

"Why would humans have such a negative view on your people?" A somber realization starts to fall upon me, "The blood bags are spoiled and loved, you're people are joyous, protecting the humans from the more dangerous monsters..." I look up to his red gaze. I shudder, "I just... I want to hate you."

"Hate me until you're sure you don't. I won't accept you favoring me then taking it away. Come now, let's be friends over tacos." Hate, a strong word that doesn't represent how I feel. He gently grabs my upper arm leading me to a booth. The smells are wonderful, even the sight was dream worthy. And two tacos later I'm sitting next to him on the sidewalk enjoying the people knowing that I very much don't hate Victor DeMoro in this moment.

We sit together for a few long moments before I stand up with my hand outstretched. I recognize the song, it's a line dance I learned in my childhood, "Let's dance."

"I've never..." He grumbles pushing himself off the ground, "I haven't the slightest idea on how to do this."

"Do you trust me?" I don't know why I asked. Then again, I don't know anything at all at this point.

"As much as a blood promise holds strong." He places his hand in mine letting me pull him into the people lining up to dance. An announcer does a last call for anyone. Energy builds beneath my skin, my blood pounding behind my ears.

"Follow my feet, and when you feel comfortable, add your own touch. You'll have to hold me for a couple moves, but I trust you not to drop me." His eyes look over my face. I turn red at the sight. It's weird for him to be so close, attempting to be so... well. I don't know the word. He's being Victor. An unexplainable, confusing mess that makes me hot, "Don't step on my toes."

"I wouldn't dream of it darling."

Darling. Such an endearing term. I shrug it off focusing on the situation in front of us. I haven't left the manor since I was taken, and I won't let some weird emotions stop me from having a good time. I kick my foot out, then jump over it into the next step. Victor follows effortlessly, his grace being more than I anticipated. I move into the next few steps, Victor in better sync with the music than I am, "I thought you said you haven't done this before!" I scream at him going into a spin. He grabs my hand as soon as we're supposed to tuck into a spin pulling me in tight. His smile is dazzling, eyes filled with mischief.

"I wanted you to think you had the upper hand." He throws me out so my hand flies with the music, then turns me back into him once more. I throw my feet as required, Victor following. My body stays tucked against his as the song finishes. Everything I thought I had in control of starts to fizzle away. When I'm near him I loose thought, perception, and even the occasional pool of heat between my thighs. We stop. My heads turn up, his hand holding my lower back in a half dip. I'm lost within myself. For one I thought I'd the chance to teach him something, "I wouldn't worry about that, darling. You're teaching me things I didn't know I needed to learn."

My voice comes out like a whine. His closeness affecting me more than I'd like to admit, "Like what?"

"How to be kind, Evelyn, you're showing me that I can have a heart and rip them out too."


            I still dislike him, I think. Now that I'm safely tucked away in my room I can officially go back to my original stance on the topic. He's a prick, a player, a vampire that wants to get into my pants so I bow down. I refuse! Bella runs around my feet with glee. Her leash hangs against the wall tucked nicely against the frame. Leaving the outfit I'd worn to the market on, I clip her to me and lead her from the room. She prances with yips, and a wet nose rubs against my ankles in thanks. Irene gave me the afternoon, the Duke rushing away as soon as we stepped onto the property. After our dance together I couldn't get away fast enough, and now I'm hunting his room down to take vengeance. Or are you curious, Evelyn? A voice whispers lovingly in the back of my mind. It doesn't feel like my own, but I submit to its argument. Curiosity is ripping me from the inside out.

            They seem to know everything about me. Well maybe not everything. The nightmares that tear me awake at night stay safely tucked in my heart. I ache again at the thought. My mother called me a viper, her loving heart chipping away at my aggression. My father was on the other end of the spectrum, a perfect balance. He was managing, planned, cared for the details. Never needed to say he loved us because he showed us in his own way. Never once did I go hungry, everything I wanted was budgeted for, and if I asked him to be somewhere, he was always there with a flat face. I always said terrible things. Told him that he has to actually act like he loves me for me to believe him. My mother always go onto me, demanding I try to see his side. We wanted for nothing, needed for less, and not once was I worried if he'd be at the bus stop to pick me up. And yet I was greedy and wanted more.

            Bella guides me through the hall. She's been there for me, a perfect emotional support through the major crash my life became. It wasn't long into my senior year that the accident happened. They'd ventured a little too far into a vampire territory, a count ripping their throats out after breaking their bodies from the car. My parents were on their way to my first game of the year, and I'd been cussing them out for being late. It wasn't until the police showed up telling me what had happened that I broke into tears crying over something I couldn't change.

            It was even worse when a letter dropped onto my doorstep, a blood promise dabbed onto the envelope: I'm sorry Ms. Sapphire. He's been handled. Please trust that we don't condone his actions. –Yours, DVM

            Hours later the news broadcasted the disembodiment of the count that'd killed my parents, a letter of promise written across his chest if something like this were to happen again. The count was ripped to shreds, then burned for hours until they finally gave him mercy stabbing through his heart. I've never forgiven the vampire that killed them, but the one who took vengeance for me, the one who handled something for a girl he'd never met in person... he kept me from ruining myself. And one day I hope to thank him.





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