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Just a dream, Eve. Just a dream. I beg to myself while Bella curls against my side on the large bed. She seems more calm than normal, while I am screaming internally begging everything around me to be some sick joke by Soca herself. When I toss my hand out to pet Bella, she goes into an immediate whimper licking me until I finally break my eyes apart to take in the gorgeous room around me for a second time. It was jaw-dropping, with a chandelier, a massive bed, and a tiny kitchen off to one side. The carpet is plush, the sheets almost heaven itself. Not to mention the bathroom that could fit my entire apartment. So, it was real. I've been taken, and this is anything but a human home.

Bella follows at my heels to the window. When I stare out over the dukedom nothing looks familiar enough for me to identify the domain we're currently residing in. However, I must note the beauty that lifts from the town. I've never seen a place so... clean. It's wild how much things change once you pass through a single wall. As first impressions go, this is a good one. At least I get something pretty to look at when I die. The dukedoms pride themselves on their beauty and care. While vampires understand and can use modern touches like technology, they choose to have an older style of living. Now that I'm here, I can appreciate the appeal.

"Lady Sapphire?" A woman's voice comes over the room distracting me from the view of the town. I turn my head greeting the stunning redhead with green eyes, "Welcome to the estate. My name is Irene. His grace requested I get you ready for the day after walking our animal friend."

Bella is tucked between my legs. I try to think back to the night before but everything's a blur once I left that party. I only have little snips of Duke Victor DeMoro whisking me away before waking up in this outrageous place, "Oh. Um. Would it be possible for me to walk my dog? I wouldn't want to cause trouble. If you have a lease or something I could be right back!" Simple enough plan. Run as far as I can and hide. Maybe find a lake to suffer in until they've lost my scent. The only real trouble is going to be my dog, and I'll be damned if I leave her.

"Apologies Lady Sapphire. His grace made an explicit command to keep you in your bed chamber until he returns from his morning travels. I'll handle her well, as the Duke himself requested the dog be treated with the utmost respect. I'm his handmaiden, just to assure you, my loyalty. He understands she is very important to your adjustment and happiness while living in the estate." She's more formal than I'd expect. I don't know how to work with this. Do I curtsey? Do I say thank you? And what is a handmaid? Should I know about these things? I'm so screwed. They have the upper hand and it's only been twenty minutes. More like two hundred years, but whatever.

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure what any of this means. Why are you referring to me as a lady? Where am I?"

"You are currently in your bed chamber. I've prepared it for his grace and you. We are in the Midwest domain, the Dukedom of Duke DeMoro. We serve directly under the Queen and King. The handmaid is the personal servant of the man and woman of the house. As you are as human as I am, I'm sure this is confusing, but I need to get started if I'll have time to get you ready for the Count's visit later." For his grace and me? She pulls her arms from her back revealing a bright purple leash. Glitter covers every inch of it. I run my eyes down the fabric to see the bite marks Bella had put on when I first got her. It seems they've retrieved more than just the dog from my home, "His grace also wanted me to remind you that you promised to be -hrmp- a good girl if the dog was brought with you to the establishment. Please keep that in mind. I can see you eyeing the door a little too wearily."

Talk about a good eye. Irene calls my dog over who ends up plopping her butt on my foot and staring up at me. She knows more than any dog not to approach a stranger, and here we are, me about to break everything I've taught her, "Go on." I wave my hand forward, and Bella obeys the command and moves across the room. Irene clasps the leash and tugs her towards the door.

"Lady Sapphire, a bath should be drawn for you. Please be soaking when I come back. I don't mind drowning a woman to please his grace." With a click of her tongue, she's off and the door is closed behind her. I peer down to myself to see the wonderful remains of the clothes from the night before. Thankfully no one had the balls to change me. With a sad drop of my shoulders, I drag my body into the bathroom. I hadn't seen anyone enter the space, but the steaming bath of water indicated that someone had to have been there. A small hamper sits next to the tub. The awkward thoughts of getting in with my clothes on, or just my undergarments... but the look the woman gave me told me answer enough. I feel as though she'd skin me alive if I wasn't naked. At least it'd be more difficult to... Shut it, Evelyn.

The chill of the bathroom covers my skin right before I toss my foot over the edge and drop it into the warm water. It's the perfect temperature. Another unexpected. With a focus on being a controlled woman, I slowly lower myself down. All the inner temptations want me to drop like a whale and watch the water wave over the side, but I feel like that would be another stern look, "I'm glad you listened." Her chipper voice comes through the door. Bella barks in greeting and rushes up to the side dropping down on her belly to wait. As an australian shepherd, she won't leave my side unless I tell her to. I force myself to think fondly of the memories of her jumping into my lap while I am peeing.

"You and this situation scare me. I chose to survive for another ten or so minutes." I roll my hand lazily toward her. She scuffs at the sight.

"You have much to learn, Lady Sapphire."

I watch the water sway when I shift to look at her. She's standing at the head of the tub with both her hands on her hips and a frown across her face, "Can't you call me Evelyn? Or Eve? I'm already overwhelmed with the rest of it and need something normal. Please." Irene doesn't appear to be much older than me. I'm surprised she's not a mistress to a duke or even a count. She has the perfect combination of curves and grace that would woe any man in the human domain. If it wasn't for the more modern style humans take with limited democracy and technology, I would've assumed us in the early ages for real. Especially since she'd fit right in.

"I suppose in closed quarters I can call you by your name, however during important business, I must show respect, Eve." She mumbles. I can tell it makes her slightly uncomfortable, but it's appreciated. Anytime I heard Lady Sapphire I wanted to strangle myself until I passed out. If I've assumed correctly, I've been taken to become a blood bag. Another human dedicated to the world of donating to the vampires. I've heard in rare cases for the higher-ranked vamps to have a designated human, but recently that practice has been fading out. Or so I thought.

Why am I so calm? Is this the eye before the storm that most people talk about during a trauma response? Will I soon be crying, screaming, yelling, and begging for all that's evil to save me? I'm going to assume, once more, yes, "Lean up. I must wash your hair."

"I-I can do it." I grab her hand to stop her from touching me, but she gives me another grunt of annoyance.

"Move the hand. I'm here to serve you and the Duke. If you don't let me do my job there's punishment not only for me, but for you." She yanks her hand away. It's not like I put up much of a fight after that comment. That helped put me into a clearer picture of what's happening around me that I seemingly refuse to process.  


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