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The pallet is uncomfortable, nothing about this is enjoyable in the slightest. I even take my time shifting in hopes that he won't hear the amount of discomfort I'm experiencing. I think it's because the pallet is on a rock, not because I want to be held by the stupid vampire. 

"Do you ever plan to fall asleep?" I hear the murmur of his voice, but it's not directed at me. Like a slip of his tongue to say something aloud he meant to keep internal. 

I'm too far into my mind, 'you're doing good work sir, she hasn't complained' and his notes on using multiple powers... My thoughts are the real issue. My craving for him so strong I'm having to grip the pallet of blankets to keep from asking him to come to me. Evelyn get it together

"Did he take away my pain?" I whisper over to Bella who is just as annoyed I'm not paying attention to her as she normally is, "Bella, are these people saying to me that the reason I didn't feel the way my body was wrecked was because Victor kept me from knowing?" 

"Evelyn..." I hear his voice outside of the tent. His large form is blocking the light from the fire that scatters bits of orange over the tent, "You need sleep, love." 

"Why won't you tell me anything? Please." I push up from the bed and yank open the door. 

"Why is Soca here? Why didn't I feel pain? Why did you have to amplify? How come you care so much for my dog? And why... why did you hide the reason you stole me away? Why was Irene my lady in waiting? Why won't you bite me?" I stare up to his beautiful red eyes. They entrap me as I sit on my knees looking up to him while he stares down. Something in his gaze shifts at the sight, something dark

"Get up, Evelyn." His voice is scratchy like he's holding himself back. I look down and watch him open and close his hand to keep it from touching me, "Please." The word is strained. 

"Answer two questions, and I'll invite you in." The kisses we've shared have wrecked me in a way I'm almost scared to admit. I want him, more than any cell in my body is able to handle. I've always been attracted to him, and he has made it clear that he's always wanted me, "And take off the gloves." 

"I can't speak to you when you're on your knees for me, darling. Please.

"What?" I let the sex demon in me take over reaching out to run a single hand up his covered thigh, "Can't handle the thought of me pleasuring you?" 

"My dearest beloved, do not tempt me." It's a threat, one that I want to play with. 

"Then answer my questions, just two." I reach my fingers up and grab the middle finger of his glove, "And please remove these, Victor." His name. That puts him over the edge. The duke grabs my shoulders and shoves me into the tent. His body hovers over mine moments later while I'm trying to process the speed I just handled. His gloves are gone too. Somehow in our shift he removed them. 

"I hid the reason I stole you away so I could keep you to myself. The less people knew of your existence, the longer I could fight taking the crown. I wanted you to want me first, beg for me before I entertained the thought that you would ever love me." He runs his hands down the side of my leg. My clothing was changed to a simple slip dress, and how I am loving the selection, "I won't bite you until you've accepted your status. A bite from a beloved is pure ecstasy, but will trigger the bonding tattoo to form marking you as mine. I wanted to explain that once you've turned that you would mark me back and not just a sign of ownership." But I want to be owned.


"No ma'am." He reaches up laying an ungloved hand across my mouth leaving only my nose for air,  "You didn't listen." 

My hips shift up eager to feel him. The last time we settled together like this was his desk and he left me for the count. I feel my head turn slightly warm, his mind melding with mine slightly to feel the pure pleasure I'm experiencing at his dominance. Please. Please Victor. I beg him. I make sure that every ounce of consent and want is felt my mental tone. 

His hand is warm as it moves up my leg, a thumb noting the lack of panties, "For bloody sake, Evelyn." He removes his hand using it to push my knees apart, "Let me hear you Evelyn." I try to look up to see what he wanted but quickly fall back to the feeling of his tongue lapping against me. I'm bucking into him while he holds my hips in place. 


"Say it again." He nibbles bringing me closer to my peak, "Say. My. Name." 

"Victor, please." This is more than I could ever do for myself. Another addiction to add to my every growing emotions. He slips in a single finger curling it just right against me while continues to lick me. I'm almost in tears by the time my body crumbles going slack into the pallet with nothing but the high of orgasm behind my eyes. My hands move without cognitive thought dragging the vampire duke up to my face to crush my lips against his coated ones. I know in the back of my mind he had to let me take control in that moment, that he could have fought me and ran, but he lets me lead in the kiss slipping our tongues against one another to taste. 

I feel the speckles of dark in the back of my mind, something that isn't fully my own and attempt to glare at the duke. Instead of saying anything he pulls me against him tucking me into his warm chest while I fall asleep to the thoughts of possible love in my mind. 






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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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