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My first day as the business professional is going horribly. My dress gets under my feet sending me forward into tables, my corset is due up too tight by the request of Irene. Your breasts look amazing! She'd said as she broke each of my ribs one by one, string by mother-effing-string. The paperwork Victor had set on my desk to review was simple enough, just some supplier auditing documentation and purchasing orders for me so I can understand the process. However, the faster I get through the work, the more he gives me. He's testing me and I can't help but bite my tongue until blood draws, "Irene, get lunch ready. I believe Eve has had enough for the morning."

"You think, you psycho? How am I supposed to get this much done when I don't have an effing signature license to close out the paperwork." I toss a ball of paper at his head, the Duke turning his head slowly to study me. If I do anything in my time here, it'll be to kill Duke Victor. In the few hours that we've spent together he's made it clear that when doing business we're co-workers, and at best friends. He never fully explained why he chose an almost college graduate to join his business model, but he seems like the type that doesn't feel the need to explain himself. 

"You can try sweetheart, but I'm sure I'm more than equipped to handle myself against you." The Duke has turned back to his papers and doesn't bother to look in my direction when he makes his statement, "And you've done just fine. Superseded anything I thought you could do. I'll talk to the proper departments to get your paperwork cleared."

"I suppose you'll be telling them why I don't have any supporting documentation, nor a bank account?" I groan looking at another letter from a Count telling Victor everything wrong with the current system. The idea is always the same with them, find the problem, propose a horrible answer, then collect a large sum money. The trick, however, is the problem was probably created by them originally. Exhibit A: His people are refusing to join the military. Why? He's lowered the pay for warriors. Proposal to fix: Make it a requirement and encourage them with extra blood bags.

"Why don't you relax, put up your feet. Maybe take a moment to enjoy the cold coffee from this morning?" The Duke seems genuine. He doesn't hide his care for the people around him, unless there's someone in the room that he would rather kill than show his soft side. If working with him this morning showed me anything, it's that he cares a little too much what the people have to say, "I promise I won't bite."

I wouldn't mind if you did, "I have some questions for you, actually, if you're willing to take the time to answer them." His offer to relax is enticing. I strut across the room and drop into the chair pulling up my dress at the ends to get my feet on the ottoman. Whoever decided women should wear things like this have a wonderful fashion taste, but do they breathe? The heels, not surprising, burn. I've taken them off hours ago. Most likely the reason I keep sending myself into tables since the hem is made for some height.

"Depends on the questions, but I'm always willing to listen." Victor hums from his desk while scratching through some documentation. I watch the flex of his arms when he circles something, then takes a moment to write a long note. It's mesmerizing.

"One of the kitchen ladies mentioned they're being turned in three months." Not a question, but enough to propose what I'm asking.

"Mon? Yes. She is. Her beloved came from another district and claimed her. She's happy and has chosen to join the eternal life to be with her forever." He rattles off like it's nothing. I use my elbows to push up giving him a scrunched face.

"Will you not elaborate more?"

"Ah? You would like me to? Interested in being turned yourself?" He swallows deeply, his apple bobbing. I'm not ignorant to the fact he must drink blood to live, but I choose to be ignorant to the hungry look he gives me. It's more than how you look at a person you want to eat for dinner.

"Not at all. If I am going to be stuck here with an obnoxious snob like you, I need to know the details. What I'm getting around, know thy enemies kind of thing. You tell me this, then it allows me to be more prepared for the next situation." I try to make it seem normal. I know I'm just being curious, and this curiosity chars the cat. No honesty will bring it back.

Victor goes stoic, "I'm far from your enemy, jewel. You'll learn soon enough." He sighs, eyes lighting up from the dark take he had moments before, "The blood moon is the answer to your charred cat. Every decade a blood moon returns and vampires are able to turn one being. Most choose their beloveds, or take on a well-trained sire. All new bloods are then brought forth to royalty for the blood rite."

"You already know the next questions. Proceed vampy." I mock. Something about being around him is easy. From the look of Irene in the corner, I should be sent to the grave never to return, however Victor takes it to himself to laugh instead. She's holding our lunch with shaking hands but finally relaxes when she notices his cool attitude. An itch in the back of mind causes me to concentrate on the vampire duke. He's answered unsaid questions, and even referenced my charred cat. I know I tend to say the first thing that comes to my mind, but how can I be this predictable?

"I'll always be able to predict you." He whispers more to himself than the room then turns his eyes back to me, "New blood is just a term for a newly turned vampire. You lose the title once you've made something of yourself. Most join the warriors, or they already have status amongst the people. The blood rite is another thing entirely. The new bloods are released into a field of monsters, real monsters. You are expected to kill as many as you can, the winner getting honor beyond imagine. The better you perform at the blood rite, the easier your new life will be."


"It's embarrassing that you humans are so ignorant to believe vampires are the only thing sharing this world. You've always believed us to be the enemies, made us to be when you caused a war killing the only vampire prince. We vampires have a reason for everything we do, the way we live, and as you stand beside me jewel, you'll learn."





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