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Irene swings the blade just as a monster so disgusting that I wish I could puke jumps through the now broken windows. The being looks human, woman-like, it's form barely larger than Irene when it stands on its feet and screeches once more. I cover my ears feeling the warmth of the blood drain from the openings. My eyes blur with the vibrations watching the veins of the banshee squirm over their skin. Irene lets the scream destroy her ears focusing on swinging her blade again to slice across its neck. Her curse tells me she didn't hit the mark she intended, but it doesn't stop her from placing her feet and moving once more. The banshee takes a pause from its screeching to dodge her next swing, then the next, and the next. From an outsider looking in, the more distracted Irene keeps her the less she can focus on breaking ear drums, "Evelyn! Run!" Her command is hard to understand but it's loud enough that it gets me spinning from the room, however I can't hold myself up tumbling into the hallway as the banshee's next scream breaks through the space.

There's a faint scream of commands tumbling from her as others rush into the room with their swords ready. I've never seen so many guards, but the one that drops in front of me has a kind smile blending horribly with their own blood spilling from their ears, "Come with me, du-he..." I swear he says something at the end, but it's blocked by the war screams of his team. I let the man grab my arms and drag me to my feet. I can't stay balanced, nothing is making sense. Over my shoulder while we run, I see the banshee crash through the wall tumbling into the hallway. On all fours she crawls with blood pouring from her form. Her eyes are only set on me, nothing else. The man that holds me is screaming something unintelligible, his hold is keeping me running. If he were to let me fall, I'd never see the light of day again.

The man pulls me to a stop my horrid vision locking on something related to a horse. It's body shakes with a roar, the thrums of power vibrating the floor beneath us as he runs. This is it. This is when I die. The figure of Irene rushes past me her feet launching into the air with a short blade ready. Her body lands on its back and moments later it falls. When I look back, the banshee is now still on the ground. Ring. It's all I can hear over the distorted voices of the people around me.

"We need to go, we need to move!" Irene takes me from the man throwing me over her back, "The ogre has lost itself in the trees, the duke is tracking it the best he can. Gloves off. And someone get her a healing elixir!" My body slugs over hers relying every bit of energy on her strong form. Not just a lady in waiting. The same man from before the kept me moving comes to my face holding up a glowing liquid.

"Drink, it'll heal your ears and eyes. We'll have to worry about your body later. Lucky you still have eyes!" My body? What happened?

"Demetri." Irene hisses, "Evelyn, the duke is soothing your mind right now. The screams burst the blood vessels throughout your body, and possibly an organ. Drink the elixir. It will help." The duke is soothing me. I can't imagine the type of pain I would really be in if he wasn't taking over to help, but in the moment that becomes less of an issue until the duke bashes through his own windows to roll into the main hall we've entered. With the help of guard, I chug down the glowing drink feeling my ears return to normal and my vision become stable.

"How is she?" His voice is raw power, a seduction if I've ever heard one. In my weak state I'm submissive to him wanting him to pull me into his arms. It's only the lack of gloves that keeps me from asking.

"You're doing good work sir, she hasn't complained. Her vision and ears have been restored, but we'll need a healer at the end of it. She was too close to the sound waves for her body type." Human she meant to say, but she bites her tongue, "Evelyn, keep those eyes up. Don't look upon yourself brat or you'll make this difficult." I'm almost amazed at the way she's turned into a fighter, a true warrior calling out demands without hesitation. Just the way she holds me up without complaint and confidence is enough to swell my chest with thankfulness that she is the person I've had by my side the time I've been here.

"I'm only looking at the man I plan to kill." I grunt turning my head to the duke himself. His anger is present, but not towards me. It looks as though he is wanting to reach out and grab me, care for me, and is fighting himself to stay across the room.

"The count is dead, but that doesn't mean there aren't more. Evelyn, in this room is my most trusted advisors and fighters, anything that is said shall be kept within this group." I give a single nod, a promise, "The royal family has hinted at who will be taking the crown once they step down, that appears to have upset many people wanting to take my place. With the knowledge of a human in our grasp they are using it against us to destroy everything we are. The count of monsters was only the beginning. It seems there are some humans that have issue with the future of our kingdoms as well."

Then get rid of me. I watch as the duke turns his head in a vicious glare, okay never mind. A single nod in return. It's Irene that speaks next, "The ogre, have we placed him?"

"There are scouts out, but nothing has been located."

Irene steps forward before her body throws me back, in the same moment the duke turns to see the ogre appear through the window. This one is triple the size of the last, it's body towering besides the castle. I scream as its hands fall back just throw them forward. My body rolls towards the rubble tears streaming down my face in fear once more. For just a moment I was safe, for just a moment I was in the care of the two I've come to trust. Irene is rushing forward with her blades ready, the two she has now covered in a sickly blue liquid.

However, the most shell shocking thing isn't the ogre destroying the building, nor the battle cry Irene releases. It's the bare hands of the duke that grab me pulling me into him and rushing me away from the destruction. Pass out. It's a mental command that has me dropping into the black just as the green of the forest surrounds us. 







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