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"Irene, I asked to tour the estate, not to go to the kitchen for a late snack." I grunt pulling up on the skirt of my dress while Irene rushes around greeting all the ladies. Each of them giggles in hello, some waving me over. I give them a smile rushing into the gaggle of women, each of them attempting to take hold of the conversation. All of them have regular eyes, each human.

"Before you drag me around to upset the Duke, I thought I'd introduce to some other humans in the estate. These are the kitchen ladies, a wonderful crowd of top chefs in the human districts that his grace brought into the Dukedom for our pleasure."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you." I stick my hand out to shake one of the five ladies' hands, but they all stare at it like I've thrown in a pair of red panties, "I'm Eve Sapphire."

"Lady Evelyn Sapphire." Irene corrects, "The Duke fancies her, and she'll be working with him on the new tech models and business acquisitions."

All of them gasp taking large steps back, one seems to be on the brink of tears, "He fancies you? I can't believe it. Mon we've been trying for years, and she's won!" A brunette yell covering her face dramatically.

"Dinky, I wouldn't take it personally. I mean who would win against a figure like that?" She runs her hand up and down to mimic the shape of my hips. Self-esteem devil's perch on my shoulder shunning anything she's said, but they seem to mean it.

"Laura, be nice." Mon mumbles to Laura who rolls her eyes in return, "Don't let them get to you, Dinky has always had a boner for Duke Victor, Laura second. My name is Mon, the last two of the group are Tee and Devin." She motions to the quiet women standing in the back. Both have bright blonde hair with a purple strip on opposing sides. They appear to be twins.

"Mon's just all up in arms because she has a vampire beloved to turn her in three months." Dinky grunts at the group. Irene's eyebrows shoot up, her entire body going still.

"The Duke requested we keep such conversations to a minimum around our lady." Irene whispers to the women, Dinky looks between Irene and I, then stares at the rest of the ladies for a long moment. With a long sigh, she gives into a nod, "Thank you. Sorry Lady Evelyn. Let's head out and leave the kitchen ladies time to clean."

"You know I have questions Irene." I don't try to cover my voice in the hallway. The vampires would hear anything, even a whisper. No attempt to keep quiet when we're trailing right by the doors can be successful.

"Ones I can't answer Lady Evelyn. Let's continue with your plot of revenge." She giggles turning a corner. Her small frame falls to a curtsey as soon as she turns the corner. I come around meeting eyes with the Duke. His red eyes glow in the night, body towering over my own. He's wearing pajama pants lacking a shirt. Beautifully geometric tattoos cover every inch of his skin, a nipple piercing on his right side. I have to fight the drool pooling at the side of my mouth. Black hair messy, pants crinkled. He must've had trouble falling asleep. But it's so early in the night?

"Good evening your grace!" Irene squeaks out from her curtsey while I stand next to her with my chin up. I'll listen when I want to, and not having to submit to him is something I'll milk till I die. Maybe he could- No.

"You two are rather dressed." His voice is scratchy, bags under his eyes. Is he alright? Why should I care? Stop caring Evelyn. Irene pulls up from her curtsey with a nervous smile. I don't know what to say, or how to handle such an informal event. Not that I know how to handle anything in this messed up world.

"I was having Irene show me around. Trying to find someone to entertain me for the evening." I smirk. The soft smile the Duke had been giving us turned into a jealous scowl, but quickly morphs into a defensive smile. One of wicked intention that tells me he truly believes he holds all the cards.

"I'm sure I could be of help." The Duke runs his eyes over my body. Every inch of my skin goes hot, heart hammering, the puddle forming between my thighs at just the thoughts of pressing my body against his. The lack of gloves is notable, meaning he wouldn't try to grab at us. He wouldn't kill me. While I'm not fully convinced, something in me knows that Victor wouldn't hurt a hair on my head, let alone Irene's.

"I would rather scoop my eyes out with a wooden spoon before I take you up on that offer." Don't call my bluff. Don't come near me. His scent would put me over the edge. I know it well now. I know just how much he being near warps my brain into a puddle of agreeing mess. My brain aches to remember the night he took me, some vague part of my mind trying to piece together the details but failing horribly.

"Then you wouldn't be opposed to me escorting you to your room? A night in sounds wonderful. I bet that corset is rather... tight." Irene is shifting her head between us, her eyes going wild. Before I can spit another retort Irene is standing with a cat like grin.

"Thank you for offering your grace. I'm more than ready to retire to my chamber for the evening. Lady Evelyn would love the company." She sends me a wink, and without being dismissed is rushing off into the hallway leaving me stranded with a reincarnate of the anti-feminist devil.

"Everything about you makes me want to gag myself." I taunt turning my back to him.

Victor throws his head back in musical laughter. My head cranes to turn over my shoulder to see a vampire visibly shaking with laughter, "On what?"





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