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The rest of the day went by smoothly. Victor got my needed clearance, thus I was able to finish all the work he dumped upon my lap. Tomorrow, he promised, has more, "I'm sure someone who graduated could've done a better job." I grouch at him as I gather my satchel and other things Irene forced me to carry. Back up lip stick, mints, wrist perfume, and condoms. The only useful thing she nagged me into bringing was a water bottle.

"No matter. I chose you. Dinner is at seven, I'll meet you at the stairs just as yesterday."

"Dinner together?" I raise my brows peaking around the room for Irene to save me, but she's run off again, "I doubt you need any extra time with me. I'll just take dinner in my room after a walk with Bella."

Victor drops his papers. Chin snaps up, his red eyes turning into molten lava, "Dine with me. I won't take no as an answer."

"Your grace..."

"Victor." He reminds. After everyone else calls him by his title, I doubt I have any credentials to do anything different, however he continues to press.

"I've learned so much today and would rather enjoy my night alone. You seem like such a treat, but I will admit; it'll take dragging me from the room to get me sitting next to you." A challenge of the best kind. See how far my leniency goes. Will he continue to pull his weight? His jaw sets, a grit coming upon him. Fangs pop over his bottom lip. Oh no. My heart thrums, his fangs anything but terrifying. A darkness swirls, a mind-screw if I've ever dealt with one. I'd love for him to sink his teeth into me. My body would roll with orgasms, begging, and if it's him I doubt I would complain. No! No! I slap myself mentally turning to give him my back. His anger turned into a subtle smirk right before my twist. That bastard!

"Make sure to lock the door, Evelyn. I'd hate a man to sweep you off your feet." The threat is heard, his words aren't misunderstood. He's going to come for me, I've tempted him. Without trying I've broken a very human rule towards the vampires, never tempt their teeth are sharper than ours.

I don't say anything in return. I shoot from the room running into Irene. Her smile's mischievous looking upon my flustered face, "Shall I join you in the gardens then assist with your dinner attire?"

"Dinner attire? Why wouldn't I wear the same dress?" I scold her. Such waste of good fabric, "No matter. I won't be going. That blood sucker can kiss my arse before I sit across from him tonight. If ever!" I know he can hear me. I won't go down easy. I promised to be good, and goodis coming to work and staying on the grounds. He'll never get my great.

"Lady Sapphire! He has great hearing." She whispers. He can hear you too, I wanted to yell, but instead I give her a sickly sweet smile.

"I know. He can hear me curse him, maybe he'll take it to heart and not be such a brute."


She rips me up and down as we walk back to my chamber. I've only been here one night willingly and I'm planning to yank my hair out. That seductive, brash, beautiful man can stay away from me. The farther the better. These thoughts that tempt the seductress within me need to be restrained with silver chains. I can't give into him, even though he demands me too. I can only be with him. Yeah right. We'll see how far he'll go to control me. It's not like he can follow my heels all night and day.

One long walk through the garden later, I'm standing in my knickers looking around the room for things to do. I can't remember how to get to the library or I'd research more on their horrid history. How the Duke can spit such new information like it's nothing. The humans are the evil? Absolutely not! We didn't kill thousands of people just because. Well it wasn't just because. As well, the queen and king are said to have never sired a child, but now the Duke makes a claim that humans killed them? A prince?

And monsters. What of them? What does he mean? Monsters can't be real, other than the known. Humans would have picked up other beings roaming the earth. And how are they trapped? What is trapped is a better question. How can any such thing be worse than a vampire?

"Lady? I'm here to help you dress." She struts into the room seeing me standing with my hand on my head. My breathing is heavy, my dog jumping in circles around me playing with a new monkey toy that just appeared in her little room. The handler has taken a major liking to her. He's attempting to train her a little more so she can hang out in the office with me, but it'll take some time. I have hours booked with him to go through some techniques to improve on both sides. My hand falls into her soft fur, eyes tracking to Irene. Over her arms dangles a deep blue dress. No corset.

"I told that mongrel that I wouldn't be eating with him. Did he not listen?" I grunt pulling the dress nicely from her arms. She lets me lay it out over the bed, a beautiful blue with star light seemingly tossed over the fabric. It's a high collared neck, but traces down in a close seam meant to follow along a woman's body. The skirt isn't full like normal. This looks more like a cocktail gown then dinner attire, "You can't be serious."

"His grace picked it himself and requested you wear it this evening." A long slit goes up the skirt, I can only imagine how daring I'll look walking down the halls with my pale leg on display, "It's been custom made for you, and should be your exact measurements."

"What?" Hot air blows through my teeth at the announcement. Irene can't be serious. The Duke wouldn't take the time to do something so... just screw you. I mentally toss at him. Not like he can hear me anyways, "While it's beautiful and exactly what I would wear. Almost a dream dress if I've ever seen one, I won't be attending dinner."

"Why are you being so difficult, Eve?" Irene takes a slight tone. Her words come off harsh, eyes darting up to my own, "The Duke fancies you, and he's spoiling you. Any woman would kill to be in your shoes!"

"Don't you think it's a tad inappropriate? He has a lover out there, someone he can touch. He only wants me because vampires like the chase. And I don't particularly care if he favors me. He can favorite someone else and drop me back across the wall." My eyes roll.

Irene joins me, then grabs the dress off the bed where I've spread it, "I'll tell him myself. And Lady Evelyn," Back to Lady aren't we? "I'd think a little bit more on why he might be spoiling you before you turn into a total brat."





Man she is a HORN DOG! 

Man she is a HORN DOG! 

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