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His tongue licks over his fangs, a dark laugh leaving him, "I heard Irene discussing beloveds, yes?"

"Yes, she was explaining it but was interrupted." I give him a look; he drops his eyes to my untouched plate. With an eye roll, I pop a strawberry in my mouth letting the wonderful sugar fill my senses. Another one to follow, then a bite of cracker. With that, he allows himself to answer.

"All vampires have a beloved, a person that their soul is tied to. Only she can accept my touch. Even when I'm not in control, can her hands lay upon my skin. And once she's found and accepts her place, the queen and king will relinquish their crown to me."

My body leans forward, interest peaked, "And have you found her?" I know it isn't a human like myself, vampires stay with vampires. And I assume I know the answer, if anyway he is acting is indication. I wouldn't be threatened to be tied down to his bed if his beloved was laying with him.

No response. He chooses to ignore my question, "There are rules to living here as well. Ones that I hope you don't find too difficult to follow."

"Of course." I give him a gentle nod, leaning back. The interest I had moments before being rocked by the sudden change in conversation. My dog tumbles through a bed of greenery booking towards me when she finally catches my scent from the path I'd taken earlier with Victor.

"Rule one, you are to work in my office. Side by side. There will be no secrets, miss-understandings, or closed doors when it comes to business. I'm apart of multiple high end tech developments, as well as infrastructure. I need to ensure that you know everything you're doing without question."

"That's easy enough." I shrug, the corset pulling tight against the skin of my breasts.

"Rule two, your health is the most important thing. All meals will be eaten, you will take walks in the garden, and sleep is a requirement. I won't be hearing of you getting sick or forgetting to take care of yourself." That one took me by surprise. For someone who doesn't have a beloved, he sure acts like I'm his to take care of.

"Do you treat all ladies like you have me?" I look around at the beautiful set-up, the dress that adorns me, and the way he's worked to make sure my dog is comfortable. Not only has he done these things, but he made it clear that I won't be malnourished. Who is this man?

"No." The response is quiet, barely a whisper, "And the final rule I have for you, I won't touch you unless you ask for it explicitly. No matter the form. From here on, you'll give me permission and demand for any personal needs you may have."

"Personal needs?"

"Most women have decided to consider me attractive. If you need someone to warm your bed in the evenings, Ms. Sapphire I assure you I would have no issue assisting." Victor once again meets my eyes, my dog moves to lay at my feet with her tongues lulled out to the side, "But I will warn you, Evelyn. I am the only man you may ask."

"Don't I get a choice in who I sleep with? If that's even something I want?"

"Yes. And the choice is me, or no one. I consider that a fair bargain."


The liquid hot anger coursing through my veins would be equivalent to a nuclear bomb. Irene rushes behind me in the room, Bella chasing me around while I seethe through my teeth, "Such a deplorable, inconsiderate blood sucker!" I scream through the room. Irene appears to hiss at me, but I ignore her, "I can't believe he has the audacity to stake such claim on me! Already forcing me to do his business, then tells me I can't sleep with anyone?"

"Anyone but him, Lady Sapphire." Irene corrects, I give her a glare. She backs down as if I stabbed her with a knife, "I just wanted to clarify. And he's never propositioned anyone like this before, I'd take that as a sign or something." She presses. Her eyebrows raise, feet rolling forward in hope to lift her just an inch higher.

"It'd be alright if he didn't." I scowl pulling my dog into my feet then scooping her up into my arms. Her long tongue laps over my face, her happiness at my touch showing in her wiggly butt, "You know what? I promised to be a good girl, and he said sex. It doesn't mean I can't have a little fun right?"

"Evelyn..." She attempts to stop me; I see the concern in her face. "I wouldn't. There are some things you don't understand yet. I'd just wait it out, do what he says, learn from him, and maybe let things happen naturally."

"Absolutely not. I'll be his perfect little business partner, but any other time I'm going to show him just how far I'm willing to go when a man tries to tell me what to do."

Irene squeals, "A very powerful vampire man, the Duke that is rumored to take the crown!"

I snort. My body drops to the ground so I can rub the dog's belly. Her tail wags are taking the anger away in the moment, but the plan is set, this memory in stone, "Didn't he say I'm allowed to go anywhere in the estate?"

"Except his bed chambers."

"Like I would ever need to go there. Come Irene, tonight we have a purpose." I curl my finger towards her then lead Bella into her kennel for the evening. I've given her treats, dinner, and a great snuggle. I hope she knows just how much I love her. Soon as I'm back, I'll let her go and she'll sleep in the bed with me.

"I have no part in this." She raises her hands. I give a laugh.

"Don't worry Irene. I won't toss you under any bus. I just need some help finding my way. That's all." At least for now. I'll use this opportunity to learn everything I can, be a perfect asset for him, but the Duke is still my enemy, and I won't allow him to control who I have over me at night.





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