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The ride was silent until my butt went numb and I could no longer contain myself, "I'm hungry, cold, and hate it here." I finally mumble out watching my dog lift her head with a snort of agreement. The duke slows his horse tugging it over to a water source. I follow with the small amount of knowledge I have. 

"Let me help you down." Victor slips from his horse effortlessly then flits to stand next to mine. I gasp at his speed forgetting for a single moment that he's a vampire, something that could eat me. In my anger I loose the respect I have for his strength, and now I barely want to look at him. Hypocritical for a woman that was just begging to be kissed just hours before, "We can make camp here for the night, you won't be able to travel for the entire ride as a new rider." 

And he's right. From the way my body feels in this moment after just four hours of riding, there's no way I'd make it another few hours before falling off the horse completely, "Thanks." 

He helps Bella down watching as she obediently runs off to relieve herself then returns to sit between us. There's a few packs hanging off the back of his horse that he unravels and with his speed quickly sets up. Minutes later a single tent is sitting on the forest floor, "I'll stay outside for the evening. The team only packed one tent for us." I peek inside to see blankets littering the floor. He flits for wood and even sooner than I can count a fire is roaring. I wish I had that kind of speed

"When were you planning on telling me?" I call out to him when he finally settles on a make shift seats he's positioned from a rock. The strength he has allowed him to move too good sized ones near the fire - which should be noted they are dry rocks - for us to sit on. I almost swoon at his attention to detail. 

"When you'd fallen in love with me." He replies back just as quickly as I'd asked the question. 

"You were going to wait until I was in love with you? And what if I never..." 

"Then I was never going to tell you." Short. Easy. So monotone. I want to throw a small rock at him to make up for it. 

"You realize how crappy that sounds right? How terrible it is that you wouldn't tell me something so life changing?" 

He looks up, and for the first time it looks like he's upset. A man I deem being the most in control of everything in life, someone who takes charge in a room without hesitation, "And what if I hadn't? We would still be laughing and spend time near one another. We could be business partners that never went anywhere. I was on a goal to never make you uncomfortable, never put you in a place that made you think you would be forced to love me. I want this bond more than my body needs blood and damn it I'm in love with you." 

"You what?" I'm stunned. His announcement shuns me into silence. I'm almost struck in the face with his words. He loves me

"It's time for bed, we have a long day tomorrow." He ignores me guiding me towards the tent without another glance, "I'll wake you when we need to leave." 


"I need time to myself, love. Please, go to bed." 

I want you to lie with me. I wanted to yell to him, to beg him to come close and hold me, to show him that my anger is no longer justified and everything he's done has been something I am overly thankful for. 

And yet I stand there. I stand there and watch the tent close with no other words between us as he walks away to tend to the horses while Bella get's comfy on the pallet. 






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