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The sound machine plays something I don't recognize, an old tune that you would hear in a black and white movie. It picks up, the beats becoming more noticeable. It wasn't until a black, leathered, hand reaches out under my eyes, "Care to dance?" Victor stands above me with a sinister smile. My words get stuck in the back of my throat, my inability to tell the difference between a good idea and bad faulting. He takes advantage of my distress grabbing the pen from my hand dropping it on the table. With my now free hand, I'm dragging up to standing with a gentle tug to the center of the room. The world around me drops, my eyes only focused on his while he leads me in a box step to an unfamiliar song. I'm barefoot, as usual during my work day, so my skirt catches under my toes. He doesn't let it bother him, simply lifting me to where I stand on his toes, "You look wonderful this afternoon, Evie."

He's in a different mood. I've never seen him so excited to see me, let alone offer to dance. My nerves are through the room about a glove slipping off, but he assures me of that too, "It's just my fingertips. I tell everyone in the world it's my hand to avoid someone trying to remove a finger." Another secret just for me. I'm getting spoiled.

He spins us, my head flying back with my hair falling from the knot. An easy giggle leaves me when I come back up to standing, "Wouldn't that lead to them cutting off your hand?"

"They'll never get close enough to do it." He whispers against my ear. His speed so unpredictable, just like my heart that thrums a few paces faster at his closeness. His cheek rests against mine, the warmth of his skin an electric pulse. A quick breath leaves me, my head pulling back from the shock. A sadness takes his eyes, but completely replaced within moments, "Nothing horrid to say to me right now?"

"I'm just enjoying the moment. I've never had a man ask me to dance." I whisper. Without better judgement, I let my head fall forward into his covered chest. He takes me in without question. Victor holds me close moving me with the music. I almost cry at the comfort I feel, the hum through his chest as he sings through the music moving through my cheek. We tangle against each other until we're in a hug. His arms stretch over my back to hold me close. I wrap my arms around his center clinging to him, "I really needed a hug."

"I'm sorry I fell short of your needs, my darling." He drops his chin on my head. I'm tucked against him, our bodies no longer moving to the music. His scent is an addiction, the mini shocks of his chin keeping me locked in place. It's hard to hate someone that continually proves me wrong. My darling. Oh how I wish. I've seen how respectful he is towards women, watched him time after time do the opposite of what I expect a vampire to do. I choke back any response. I don't have anything to say. He's stitched up a little hole in my heart I didn't realize needed fixed.

My mother was very loving, my father her stoic counterpart. They died many years ago leaving me alone in the world. I've no family to support me, and by the skin of my teeth was I able to scrap the money together to afford a place to live, then school. Scholarships saved me. My dog was a different blessing. Her little floof of fur was left at my doorstep, and I couldn't leave her stranded. I've no idea how they died, nor do I want to know. It's probably best to avoid the vengeful nature I have itching under the surface. It breaks me a little, I suppose, to wish my mother was the one hugging me better in my moment of weakness, but Victor DeMoro is a great second. His hug... well his hug just feels right.

"Let's go to the village. Take off the afternoon." His voice cracks with the words. I ignore it.

"I've done nothing all day. I should be fired after how little I performed." I snicker forcing myself to pull away. He allows me to leave him with a sigh, his body turning to show his back while he struts towards my desk.

"All of these documents don't need to be done until the end of the month! How much have you been going through?" He turns to me bewildered. I shrug. I'm quick once I learn a process or two, "I should've noticed how little problems I've been having. Thank you, Evie. I appreciate the extra hand." He picks through the rest of the documents taking his time to organize my space. It's a loving gesture if I've ever seen one. Victor's taken the time to memorize how I set up my desk, the way I flow, and works to put each thing where it needs to be.

"Don't you guys have ladies of the house or something that does these kinds of things?"

"Yes... almost." That's all he offers, "Now, we need to change. I don't want the villagers aware of our visit."

I raise a brow, Irene walking in just as he finishes the sentence, "Are we going in disguise?"

"How else would a Duke and his Lady enjoy the afternoon?" The more time I spend with him, the more I realize how easy he would be to love. Scary thoughts for a human to have





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