Fatherly advice

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After listening to Sofie, Mercedes, and Sam, my head wanted to explode. I understand what they're saying, but it's hard to wrap my head around the idea. Kyler was looking for a date for the charity event using a dating site. I was helping him. Why would Kyler switch gears suddenly?

What if I took a chance and everyone was wrong? Then what? How do you backpedal and act like everything is okay? What if I made things awkward between Kyler and me at work? Could I risk a job I love?

Ugh, I was getting a headache thinking about all the what-ifs.

I returned home to find my dad sitting in his recliner and reading the newspaper. After removing my coat and hanging it and my purse on a coat hook, I sat on the couch.

Dad lowered his newspaper, folded it, and placed it on the end table next to the chair. "How was your evening with your friends?"

"It was okay." I shrugged.

"Are you sure because you seem confused?"

"Well, I am."

"About what?"

I took a deep breath and unloaded on my dad about everything. Maybe if I told him, the situation would make much more sense to me.

My dad chuckled.

"What's so funny?" My brows pinched together in confusion.

"That your friends are right."

"What do you mean?"

"Rachel, let me explain a few key details to you. Bosses don't have dinner with your parents and help clean up afterward."

"Kyler was just being nice."

"Bosses also don't introduce you to their grandparents." My dad gave me a knowing look.

"We were confirming a donation for the charity event."

"Bosses don't enlist you to help with their dates, then buy you dinner when the date goes bust."

I stared at my dad with knitted brows.

"Hunny, I would never suggest dating a co-worker, let alone your boss, but Kyler is different. I noticed it the other night."

"What if Kyler doesn't feel the same way as I do? It would be humiliating."

"Are you afraid it will become another Heath situation?"

"I thought Heath cared about me until I found out the truth. It was humiliating to know a guy used you to make another girl jealous. That's why I can't go along with this plan." I shook my head.

My dad nodded in agreement. I stood up, kissed his forehead, and headed upstairs to my bedroom. I needed time to think.


After an evening of playing cards and getting unsolicited advice, I visited my folks. I came into the house to find my pops sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and feet propped on the coffee table while watching a documentary. "What are you watching?" I removed my coat, hung it on a hook, and sat in a chair.

"It's a documentary about the history of cats."

I arched my brow and looked at my pops.

My pops rolled his eyes. "It looked interesting."

"If you say so. Is momma here?"

"Nah. You're momma is spending time with your aunt Leticia trying to learn more swear words in Spanish."

The Harper Family: Love Connection (Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now