Sibling Competition. ("NO I AM!")

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This was requested by @IdiotOnFile


This is just a story of them arguing about who's hotter, and to make this a bit easier, I humanized them just a tiny bit to make it easier to write, hope you don't mind!

This is going to be in nobody's POV, by the way

Hope you enjoy!


Rush simply sat in his room, taking a small break, reading a book since he was starting to get cramps in his legs from running around chasing the player all day.

Rush had paused his reading after hearing a familiar sound down the halls, followed with the all too known green light of his brother, Ambush.

Ambush soon burst into his room, grabbing his brothers attention.

"Hey, Rush." Ambush said with a smirk, twirling around foolishly (in Rush's opinion, anyway). "Like the new suit?"

Rush rolled his eyes, closing the book and standing up. "Hah, no." He crossed his arms with a smug grin. "I could look better in that thing then you could, Ambush, and everybody in this hotel knows that."

"Yeah right!" Ambush shouted, pointing a finger at Rush. "You can only pull off looking good in a hoodie! All you would do is complain if anybody tried to put you in a suit!"

"Not true!" Rush tensed up, crossing his arms.

"Oh yeah? Do you have any suits in your closet then?" Ambush questioned, tilting his head as he spoke.

"Whatever, fine, so we're gonna play this game, aren't we?" Rush said, as he pushed Ambush out of the room. "Gimme a second." Rush slammed the door in his brothers face, and walked over to his closet, peeking inside.

He scanned through the clothes, and finally pulled out the 3 suits he had, before settling with one that was plain black and white, and wasn't all that complicated to put on, plus it seemed comfier then the other 2.

Once he had changed, and put the other 2 suits away, he finally opened the door once more for Ambush.

"Let's go see what Guiding Light has to say about it now, you and me both know she has the best fashion sense here." Rush said with a serious look on his face, as he crossed his arms, he wasn't gonna loose to his brother, not this time.

Ambush simply grinned. "Alright, fine, meet you there, slowpoke!" Ambush raced off, and Rush followed behind.

"I'M NOT SLOW!!" Rush shouted behind Ambush angrily, chasing him down the halls.

Ambush and Rush ran down the halls, running into a room that had a small blue glow in it.

They both ran to Guiding Light, nearly tackling her down. "LIGHT!!"

Guiding Light mentally sighed as she turned around, this is an average Tuesday for her. "What?"

Ambush simply looked to his brother, then back to Guiding Light. "We need your opinion on who's hotter."

"Just outfit wise? Or.." Guiding Light asked, confused.

"Yeah, and who looks better in what, or overall just who looks better." Rush said.

"Okay, well.." Guiding Light thought for a moment, glancing between the two. "I would have to say Ambush is a bit better on this one, but Rush, you're pretty close to matching him! Don't worry." She smiled while talking to the two.

"HA! I KNEW IT!" Ambush yelled in victory.

"SHUT IT! SHE SAID I WAS CLOSE!" Rush yelled back, crossing his arms.

Guiding Light had simply stood there, watching the two argue back and forth.

"Well.. you would've been equal if you actually did the tie right, Rush." Guiding Light explained.

"..Oh." Rush realized while looking down to his tie.

"Come here, let me help you." Guiding Light said, while making a hand signal for him to walk over.

Rush had simply walked over, and Guiding Light floated behind him, and gently did his tie for him correctly.

"So.. why are you two getting all dressed up anyway?" Guiding Light asked the two.

"No reason, really." Ambush said with a shrug, as Rush nodded in agreement.

"It's just.. Sibling Competition, I suppose." Rush added, both of the two siblings smiling.

"Aw, reminds me of me and Glitch.." Guiding Light joked with a little giggle, before hearing the ding from the elevator. "Oh! A player is here! I gotta go.. sorry you two!" She raced towards the lobby instead.

Rush and Ambush waved to her as she left, and then glanced to eachother.

"Hey, who do you think would look better in a suit, Guiding Light? Or Glitch?" Ambush asked his sibling.

"Guiding Light, for sure." Rush responded, holding back a laugh.

"Jeez, that's simp hours, for sure." Ambush joked, as Rush burst out laughing.

"For the players maybe." Rush said, once he was able to contain his laughter.

"I would pay to see that though, honestly." Ambush glanced to the side, a bit embarrassed, but telling the truth.

"I think everyone would, Ambush. That's a sight to see if you ask me." Rush thought for a bit.

"Anyways, so, I see I won our little 'Sibling Competition'?" Ambush grinned.

"SHUT UP!" Rush shouted.


Word count: 790

This took a while to write, for sure.

I hope you all enjoyed reading it though!

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