This was requested by Doors456! This is a part 2 to Seek and Hide playing Hide n Seek! Hope you enjoy!
Hide sat in his closet, as per usual. The only difference is he was currently playing Uno with his brother, Seek.
Seek placed down his final card with a non visible smirk. "I win."
"This game is rigged." Hide said, while throwing the cards right back at his siblings face, and shutting the closet doors.
Seek sighed. "Really Hide? It's not rigged." Seek crossed his arms, forcefully opening the closet. "It's just you haven't been yelling Uno when you get down to one card, or have incredibly bad luck."
Hide mocked his brother. "YoU dIdNt yElL UnO sO nOw yOu LoSt."
Seek rolled his eyes. "Fine, how about we play Hide n Seek then?"
Hide shrugged. "Will I win this time?"
Seek thought for a moment. "Maybe? Depends on how well you play."
Hide grinned. "Fine, then I won't hold back, go count, and prepare to loose."
Seek would nod, and went to a corner to count, which left Hide a good 30 seconds and a extra 5 seconds to go hide.
Hide burst out of his closet and ran, trying to locate the room directly after Seek's chase, running with no end, trying to make it there as quick as possible.
He finally was greeted with the room with windows, and he knocked on the window, before opening it, and jumping inside the void like place, and closed the window behind them.
The entity inside the void, who some like to call Sally, or Window, who I'll just call Window, tilted their head to the side questioningly.
"Sorry, just playing Hide n Seek with my brother." Hide said. "You don't mind do you?"
Window shook it's head, and infact hid itself too, to try and not blow his friends cover.
Hide smiled. "Thanks." He said as he turned away from the window, and stepped back into the darkness more in order to blend in.
Seek was heard running through the hotel, though Hide could not actually see where he was at, but he had a feeling he was getting close.
He settled his breathing as he anxiously watched the window from a distance.
Seek soon passed the window, not even thinking of looking through it, which caused Hide to sigh in relief as his brother passed him.
He stayed hidden for a while more, before he heard Seek calling out his name.
Seek shouted through the halls of the hotel. "Hide? Where are you? You've won, I can't find you."
Hide immediately opened the window to Seeks right, the one closest to a closet, leaving the window open to show where he came from, as he ran back into his closet, shutting the closet doors.
Seek looked at the window, a bit interested. "Maybe I need to make rules that it needs to be inside the hotel, huh?" He joked, while he heard Hide laugh a bit.
"Well Hide, ready for round 2?" Seek said, turning to count once again, after the closet doors opened once again in approval, and then ran to go hide.
"Ready or not, here I come, again."
Word count: 513
Here's the part 2 that was requested! Sorry it took a while, been a little busy.
Anyways, I'm kinda following off a list right now, but still, more content is coming soon!

Roblox Doors X Reader stuff (CLOSED!)
De TodoHi! this is my first time doing one of these, so it may be a bit bad, but I hope that's okay! I also accept criticism, only if it's nice criticism though! anyways, have fun reading!! If you're reading this on any other site then Wattpad, then it's s...