Hi! This was a request from doors456, hope you enjoy!
Seek's POVIt was another boring day in the hotel, and Seek sat there, waiting for the player, but nothing happened.
Seek sighed, before calling out to Guiding Light.
"Yes, Seek?" Guiding Light asked, coming over from the lobby of the hotel.
"Is there a player even here?" Seek asked.
"Nope! You're free to do whatever until I yell at you all to get back into position." She confirmed with a smile, vanishing again.
Seek thought for a moment, before going over to a closet, and knocking in a familiar rhythm.
Hide peeked out, looking over to Seek. "Oh.. Hello Seek."
"Hello Hide." Seek greeted. "I heard of a game that the humans created, it sounds similar to our names."
"You mean Hide n Seek?" Hide asked, tilting his head.
Seek would nod.
"Can we play it?" Hide said with a grin.
"Sure, there's not much else to do anyways." Seek said, before going off to count.
It was a few minutes, and then Seek was finished counting. "Ready or not, here I come!" He spoke up, before sprinting off to find his brother.
Seek started to check under every bed, and every closet, not finding him yet.
Seek was going through room and room for what felt like hours, until he got to Room 47.
He checked under the bed, to see a figure finally under the bed.
"Found you." Seek said, with a non visible grin of triumph.
"Dammit.." Hide said, crossing his arms. "How do you always find me??"
"I'm just.. good at it?" Seek shrugged.
Hide simply rolled his eyes. "I want a rematch!"
"Alright, fine, get ready for a round 2." Seek said, getting ready to run, before both him and Hide we're interrupted by Guiding Light.
"Guys.. the player is back, you two need to get back to your positions." She said, floating behind Seek.
Seek sighed, turning to look at Guiding Light. "Do we have too??"
Hide was also a bit mad for Guiding Light interrupting them. "Just one more game, please Light??"
Guiding Light shook her head, holding back a giggle. "Fine, but you two should make it quick." She said, before going back to the lobby to help guide the player.
Seek grinned once more. "Hide, start running." He said as he went to go count.
It was the same amount of time as last time, and Seek took a deep inhale, getting ready to run and find his brother again.
"Here I come."
Word count: 413
This was actually written alot faster then expected, sorry it's short though, I don't have much motivation as of recently, if you want me to rewrite the story but longer then I will. Hope you like it though! Thank you for reading!

Roblox Doors X Reader stuff (CLOSED!)
RandomHi! this is my first time doing one of these, so it may be a bit bad, but I hope that's okay! I also accept criticism, only if it's nice criticism though! anyways, have fun reading!! If you're reading this on any other site then Wattpad, then it's s...