Jack X Hide ("Hidden in plain sight.")

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Hi! This was requested by MidnightF3line

Also as a quick note, sorry I haven't been writing as much, not only am I out of motivation, but I'm incredibly sick, and it's been on and off, but I'll try to get better so I can write more!

Now let's get into the story :D


It was a average day in the hotel, and Jack was doing his job, occasionally popping up and scaring players, as he jumped into a closet once more.

He had accidentally ran into Hide, who of course caught him to help Jack keep his balance.

"Oh, Hey Hide! Sorry, didn't mean to run into you." Jack chuckled, awkwardly looking to the side.

"It's fine.. really." Hide smiled, sure, he liked his personal space, but he didn't mind if Jack broke it a few times.

"Has the player came by yet at all?" Jack asked, looking outside of the closet as he spoke.

"No, be patient though, they might soon." Hide told him, as he thought about maybe what to say next in the conversation, he was never the social type honestly, so he struggles with conversation, and he really does like Jack, so that makes it worse.

"Aw, but why? I wanna scare them!" Jack grinned, before getting gently pat on the head by Hide's sharp clawed hands, and then started to blush a bit.

"Again, be patient." Hide said, as he looked out of the crack of the closet, but of course didn't exist the closet, since he can't.

Jack smiled, and then hugged Hide, which did cause Hide to blush a tiny bit, but he just tried to ignore it, glancing down at Jack awkwardly.

Hide simply tapped his shoulder when a player came by as the lights flickered, about to open the closet.

Jack immediately flung the doors open, scaring the player, as he laughed in their face, and shut the closet doors again as Rush came and killed them.

Hide grinned, and held back laughing, it was mainly just the reaction of the player that got to him really.

Jack turned back over to Hide in the small closet. "See? Works every time." He joked.

Hide just laughed, shaking his head. "I don't understand how Guiding Light allows you to do that without yelling at you for it."

Jack thought for a moment, before sighing. "Yeah, she does yell at me whenever I scare players like that and cause their deaths, which is why I'm only a rare entity, but hey, it's worth it though."

Hide crossed his arms. "She's never locked you in your room or anything?"

Jack shook his head, with a mischievous grin forming on his face. "Nope, I wanna say it's because I would probably just run and escape, and she don't wanna deal with that."

Hide laughed just a little bit more, patting Jack on the head. "You're the most chaotic person I know Jack."

"Yeah, and you're the most hot person I know-" Jack flirted.

Hide tilted his head. "Huh?"

Jack shrugged. "It's the truth, just saying-"

Hide immediately started blushing deeply, before he hid his face, backing away deeper into the closet in embarrassment before he got pulled into another hug by Jack.

"That was sorta my way of confessing to you, y'know." Jack said, hugging him.

"O-Oh, uh.. Yeah, I knew that." Hide admitted, embarrassed. "So.. you like me?"

"Of course I do, who wouldn't?" Jack smiled, a slight blush appearing on his face as well.

"Well, I like you too.. so, are we a thing now?" Hide asked, becoming even more shy by the second.

Jack would nod, and pull Hide in for a kiss, which Hide accepted, before staying next to him in the closet.

"Now we can hide in plain sight together." Jack joked, eating a gentle punch on the shoulder by Hide. "Ow."

Hide signaled for him to quiet down as another human came to the closet, about to open the doors.


Word Count: 609

Sorry if it was a bit short, and if it wasn't really what you wanted, you can feel free to request it again if you want ^^

I'm slowly but surely working on more requests as I go, just may take a while because I'm still recovering

Also thank you guys for how many reads this has gotten! 1.92k is litterly insane lol

Anyways, ty for reading!

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