Chapter 1-Dream Come True

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A/N: Sorry for the delay, I've had bad internet lately.

I leaned against the counter, looking at the chaos going on outside. People ran for their lives seeking cover in the shops and buildings nearby. A few huddled in the bar around me, but not many. It was the center of all this, the reason he was there. I cried out in pain as a bullet sank into my shoulder, another into my leg. A car came flying through the window and I ducked behind the counter. It rolled on top of the counter, crushing it. I was stuck beneath a car, bleeding and crying. The few inside fled and I called for them to help me but was left alone. I heard gunshots and clanging metal, chiming like a bell. Bullets sank into the walls around and I closed my eyes. My shoulder throbbed with pain and my leg had lost feeling. So this is how I'm going to go, trapped and left for dead. I heard a footstep crunch on the broken glass and held my breath. A familiar voice called to me, telling me that it was over. I attempted to respond with a sassy comment but no sound left my mouth. With a frown, I attempted to slide out from underneath the car. The footsteps inched closer and stopped near me. I glanced towards the source and fear came over me as I realized who it was. It was my killer, the one sent to retrieve me after all these years of running and hiding. The man with the metal arm.

I shoot up in bed with a shriek, covered in sweat. It was a dream, only a dream. I take some deep breaths before laying back down and closing my eyes. I wrap the blanket tighter around me, noticing the coldness of the room. Shivering, I make my way to the living room to turn up the heat. I stop dead in my tracks when I see a figure standing by the window. I let out an involuntary gasp and immediately regret the decision. The figure twists around and in a flash I'm pinned to the wall with a gun to my head.

"Try anything and I'll put a bullet in your brain." He growls, pressing the gun into my forehead.

He's dressed in combat gear, armed with too many weapons. His shoulder length brown hair is a mess, and he looks like he smudged his eyeliner. His jacket is missing a sleeve, one arm exposed. The exposed arm is cold, pressing against my throat. I glance to his shoulder and see a red star on metal. I panic. My heart races and I feel tears threaten to spill out. I take a shaky breath before replying.

"I-I won't, I promise. I-I was just cold and needed to turn the thermosta-"

"Did I say you could speak?" He snarls, forcing me against the wall harder.

I just whimper and my breathing becomes ragged. The tears I've been holding in spill out and I plead for my life.

"Please don't kill me, I don't want to die!" I cry, letting tears fall freely from my face.

"Shut up or I will!" He yells.

I shut my mouth and close my eyes. How could it get any worse? He keeps the gun to my head but releases his force on me.

"I need your help. I need a place to stay and some medical attention among other things. You will provide or you will die."

He says, emphasizing the word will. I nod, trying not to make this guy any more angry than he already is.

"Good. Now, you have somewhere we can go besides here?" He asks.

I shake my head and he sighs, taking a deep breath and backing away from me.

"Get some rest, we leave in the morning." He says, waving me back to bed.

I comply, scurrying back to my room without a word. I'm too scared to do anything. I lean against the door, locking it. I step over to my bed and sit. It's him, the asset. The man from my dream, here to drag me back to Hydra.

The Man With The Metal Arm-Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now