Chapter 6 - Revenge Mode

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A/N: HELLO NERDS I AM BACK WITH TWO CHAPTERS WOO bc I wrote two instead of a really long one shush buuuuut I'm in a good mood so ill write a bunch and hopefully update more regularly now that I have a computer. Okay now to the good stuff. ENJOI


I sleep late the next day, enjoying the break from work. It's the weekend, I can sleep as late as I want. My eyes flutter open and i hear movement beside me. I tiredly look over to the left. Bucky sits on the floor next to my bed, watching me intently.

"Bucky? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, frantically trying to fix my bedhead.

"Tony told me to wait here for you since you're watching me." He says with a slight smile.

"Of course he did." I mutter, rubbing my eyes. "Well I need to take a shower so unless you want to stay and wait for me, you can go downstairs and eat."

He nods, standing and giving me a smile before opening the door and leaving. I get out of bed, making my way into the bathroom and hopping in the shower. I wash my hair and my body. I hum as i condition my hair, rinsing it and hopping it out of the shower. I dry off and get dressed in a tank top, athletic shorts, and tennis shoes; my training clothes. Quite unfortunately since I'm here I have to train like everyone else. I grab my phone and go out to the kitchen. Natasha and Clint are eating pancakes, Thor is toasting poptarts, Bruce is drinking coffee whilst listening to Tony ramble. Steve is talking to Bucky as he butters a piece of toast. I join them, saying hello to everyone.

"Good morning Y/n." Natasha smiles.

"Morning everyone." I say, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee.

I sit next to Steve, stealing a piece of his toast.

"Morning Y/n- hey! That's my toast!" He grabs at it, pulling it from my hand before I can take a bite.

I pout at him, taking a sip of my coffee. "Steve, my friend, sharing is caring." I say, taking a bite from the toast in his hand. I smile and turn to Bucky who is seated across from us, an amused look on his face.

"How'd you sleep Buck?" I ask, eyeing his bagel. He sees me and moves his plate from my reach.

"Okay. You?" He says, sipping his coffee and eating his bagel.

"Alright, until I woke up to your face." I tease.

He rolls his eyes and continues to eat. Steve and I talk through breakfast, when we are interrupted by Tony.

"So Y/n, ready for training?" He says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I cringe at the thought. It's pretty okay, except for the fact that last time Natasha gave me a black eye. Or when Steve accidentally slammed me into a wall too hard and I still have the bruises. And let's not forget the time I almost became a kabob due to a dumb bet that Clint couldn't shoot the water bottle from my hand. Countless other instances have happened where I have gotten hurt, it's not a pleasant experience. But I need it. Since I joined SHIELD I've been on constant undercover missions. Recently I've been on vacation for a couple months. I was about to come back when my house got broken into two days ago by a super assassin. And now we are here.

"Not really." I reply, visibly uncomfortable. "But I have to whether or not I am. Let's just get it over with, yeah?"

I stand up, putting my mug in the sink and waiting for Steve and Bucky to follow. They place their dishes in the sink and we walk to the training room together. We arrive first, followed by Natasha, then Thor, then everybody else. We are split into our normal groups. Tony and Clint are going to see who can shoot more things out of the air with their choice of weapon. Natasha and I are going to spar, painfully I might add. Bruce and Steve are usually together, sometimes they just try to improve their tactics and target practice. Sometimes Steve straight up fights Hulk. Its pretty amusing. For today Bucky will sit out, he was pretty badly injured and isn't really ready for fighting. Natasha beckons me over to the mats with an evil grin on her face. I turn to Bucky who i sitting on a bench near Steve and Bruce.

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