Chapter 2 - Hugs from a Murderer

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I can't sleep, knowing that he's here. I lay awake, terrified of what was going to happen in the morning. Our encounter plays over and over in my head. The gun to my head, the cold metal against my throat. I cringe at the thought. How many people has he killed with that thing? Could I be next? I wrap the blankets tighter around me and try to sleep. The silence of the house is eerie, like an abandoned building. The silence never bothered me before, but it it's as if it wants me to think, to remember the past.

I finally drift off into a dreamless sleep. I wake to knocking on my door. I look around and see sunlight shining through an open window. So that's how he got in. I slowly rub my eyes and toss the covers aside. As I shuffle over to the door, I yawn and stretch my arms. I open the door and see the Winter Soldier.

"What do you want?" I say rubbing my eyes like a child.

"Time to get up. Get ready to leave. You've got a half hour before we leave, no more." He says flatly.

"Alright." I agree, starting to shut the door. "Wait, where are we going?" I yawn.

"Somewhere. Now go." He says with an eye roll.

"Fine." I say, scowling and shutting the door.

I shake my head and head to the bathroom to shower. The hot water burns on my skin but makes me calm. I have some pretty awesome shower thoughts, as we all do. What would happen if I put a pencil in the microwave? How old is the oldest turtle alive? I wonder if he recognizes me. I pause. That's actually a good question. Does he recognize me? It seemed as if he was running rather than fetching. He didn't even seem to know who I was. They probably wiped him again after I left, only telling him I was a target. I sigh, pushing the thought from my mind. After washing my hair, I hop out of the shower and get dressed in a grey tee and some jeans. I grab my backpack and fill it with clothes and anything else I may need. I slip on my converse and stuff a blanket in my bag. I slip on a hoodie before taking one last look at the room. Who knows when I'll be back.

I exit the room, going to the kitchen for some food before we go. As I make my way through the living room I see the soldier's back. I drop my things on the couch and go to the fridge. I make myself a bowl of cereal and sit at the counter, watching the soldier fiddle with the toaster.

"Want some help with that grandpa?" I ask, making my way(downtown walkin fast) over to him.

"Yeah, I can't get the bread to pop-" He was cut off by the toaster ejecting his toast and hitting him in the face. "Out." He says, frowning and brushing crumbs off his cheek.

I muffle a laugh before getting butter from the fridge and hand it to him. He says a quiet thanks and resumes making his food. I eat my cereal and when I finish, grab a bagel. I toast it and load it with cream cheese as the soldier eats his toast. I sit next to him and go to speak but stop. What do I even call you?

"Hey," I say, taking a bite of my bagel. "what should I call you? I don't think Winter Soldier is very practical."

The Man With The Metal Arm-Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now