Chapter 5 - *dramatic flashbacks*

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: HELLO EVERYONE. It's been a while. *hiding* please don't kill me. As I said I've been having no motivation to do anything at all recently but I decided to write some bc it's not fair for you guys and I rediscovered how much I like writing so I'm back baby. But don't expect too much writing on mobile is still s.hit and takes forever. Until school starts up again and I get my school issued computer(yissss) updates will be slowish hopefully at least once a week if not more. Also I'm thinking about writing some other x readers most likely Loki and or another Bucky. Anyways, what you came for. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The tension in the room is thick as a confused look crosses both their faces. Steve speaks, despite the confusion.

"Bucky. God, it's really you. I thought you were dead, until I saw you on, o-on the bridge- and then the helicarrier thing and I'm just so glad you're alive."

The two just stare at each other, taking it all in. I look from one to the other, at their expressions. Disbelief, joy, and horror, all at the same time. Steve is overjoyed, frozen in shock, itching to reunite with his lost friend. Bucky (at least I'm pretty sure that's his name at this point) is also frozen, but in terror. He's gotta be going through some s.hit, I mean I've experienced first hand what Hydra can do to your mind. He's probably freaking out. Flashbacks, memories, all flooding back.

I watch as Steve takes a step, and another, slowly approaching Bucky.

"You alright Buck?" He says, placing a hand on his shoulder.

That was a mistake.

Bucky grabs him by the arm, flipping him onto the floor. He ends up on top of Steve, with his foot on Steve's throat, his arm still in his grip.


"Whoa WHoa WHOA!" Tony yells, summoning the blaster hand upart of his suit. "BACK OFF TINMAN!"

"I've got it, Tony." Steve grunts. He writhes around underneath him, seizing his leg and yanking it out from underneath him. I watch as they wrestle and cry out as Steve is hit multiple times. Now they've switched positions, Steve on top of Bucky, restraining him.

"Buck you gotta calm down. It's me, you're my friend."

"You're my mission." He growls out, trying to escape Steve's grip.

"I'm with you till the end of the line." Steve says, struggling to keep hold of the squirmy soldier.

He suddenly stills, a glassy look coming over him. He stops trying to get away, letting himself calm down. Steve slowly gets off of him, alert and ready if he does it again. Bucky pushes himself up, brushing himself off.

"I'm sorry. I just," He pauses and takes a breath. "I was somewhere else. On the helicarrier... I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"As long as you're okay Buck." Steve says, going to give him a reassuring pat on the back before rethinking it(probably due to the previous incident) and putting his hand down.

I just stare at the man who broke into my house yesterday and I almost feel bad. Almost. I mean I get it but he just almost beat the s.hit out of Steve. Okay I lied I do feel bad. Boy's got issues. If he's going to try to be normal he's gonna need constant looking after and such.

"How bout we let the big robot get some rest." Tony suggests, snickering at his own name calling.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea. Bucky?" I ask him, turning to face him.

He silently nods in agreement and I turn to Tony.

"Where can he sleep?" I ask, hoping to avoid any nickname from him.

"Well, you see that hallway? Go down it, at the end take a left, then another left at the second door on the left, then a right at the end of that hallway and then-"

"Tony." I warn, irritated.

"Fine Miss Bossypants. Down that hallway and four doors down on your right. Also I'm putting you on babysitting duty so you can stay in the one across from him." He smiles evilly.

"Aw man I hate babysitting duty." I pout, glaring at Tony. I look over towards Bucky and he's glaring at me.

"Not that you're not a joy to be around, Bucky, I just got stuck with babysitting Loki last time he was here and he's an idiot." I grumble, remembering all the pranks and jokes he pulled on me.

He just rolls his eyes and gives me a resting b.itchface as if saying "yeah okay" sarcastically. I huff and grab my bag, starting off in the direction of the rooms. I don't hear footsteps behind me so I turn, looking back at the group.

"You coming or not Bucky?" I ask, resuming my walk.

I hear him catch up with me and lead him to his room. When we reach the door I stop and turn to him.

"This is yours. I'm across the hall," I point to my own door. "And Steve is next door." I point to the door on the right of his. "You need anything ask one of us. I'm always happy to help you figure s.hit out if you need to. Now sleep."

I turn and walk over to my door, opening it when I hear him speak.

"I thought you hated babysitting." He looks at me, a small smirk on his face.

"You're tolerable." I smile and shut the door, leaving him in the hallway.

"And you're bossy!" He yells from behind the door and I hear him enter his own room, and the sound of the door closing.

~in the living room~

"She's a handful." Tony says, picking up his abandoned drink from the coffee table, having overheard the conversation in the hall.

"That's Y/N. She's sassy and fake mean. But she'll be good for him. I've seen her in action and if she can get Loki to sit still she can do anything." Steve says, looking at Tony with a smile.

"Want some?" Tony questions.

"Yeah." He takes a seat on the couch as Tony gets the drink.

A/N: and there's that. Hope it's okay.

I listened to She's Kinda Hot by 5 Seconds of Summer(it's new and hOLY F.UCK ITS SO GOOD) while writing this.

Okay I'm out. Peace out b.itches.


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