Chapter 12 - Home

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heyo. this is the end. final chapter. fucking finally. but ye. this is it.


I slowly came to consciousness and opened my eyes then immediately closed them. Sun was shining through an open window right into my eyes. I shifted slightly and groaned. I felt somewhat better, not as much pain when I moved but still pain. I managed to sit up and look out the window. An expanse of tall grass swayed with the wind, making me tired again. I pried my eyes away from the calming grass and saw that I had been moved. I was now in a bed with a big quilt comforter and soft sheets and pillows. A wooden bed frame surrounded it, light tan walls and wooden furniture to bring it all together. The wood nightstand held a lamp with a white shade and a half full glass of water. There were two doors leading out, presumably one to outside the room and one to a bathroom. I scooted my legs to the side of the bed and was about ready to get up when one of the doors creaked open. Bucky walked in with a new glass of water, some medication, and the first aide kit. He looked, well, different. He had changed out of the leather uniform he always wore and into some faded jeans with a grey tee shirt underneath a red and blue flannel. His facial hair had been shaved (he had been a bit scratchy) and his hair was clean and combed up into a little bun. I resisted the urge to giggle like a little girl, I thought it was very cute and hipstery and Buck was definitely not cute and hipstery. Well, maybe cute.

"You're awake, thank God." He rushed to my bedside and handed me the glass of water and a couple assorted pills of varying colors and sizes. "Here. Take these."

I obeyed, swallowing the pills and downing the whole glass of water by accident. I must have been super dehydrated. He chuckled and took the glass, setting it beside the other on the nightstand with the first aid kit he brought in. An odd silence fell upon us, he wasn't speaking and I didn't really know or want to talk about it.

"How do you feel?" He finally broke the silence, making eye contact. The action made me flush slightly but I shrugged.

"Kind of weird. I still hurt but I feel like I was asleep for awhile. I'm a little disoriented." I respond, looking around for a clock.

"You should be. You were out for two days, resting up. I didn't want to force you up if you needed rest still so I just came and gave you the medication and checked your wounds a couple times a day."

Funny. I didn't have any recollection of that ever happening.

"Sorry. I was exhausted and all the pain I was feeling put me out." I responded, grabbing the other glass from the nightstand and chugging the contents.

"It's alright. You're doing better now. Sleeping helped your wounds heal up. You weren't moving a lot so they didn't bleed too much."

I glanced down to the sheets which had a few small blood stains.

"None of them need to be restitched, just cleaned and bandaged. When we get back we should be able to get you some better care."

"That would be much appreciated." I mumbled. Suddenly a loud growl came from my stomach. I realized how hungry I was. I had thinned out a bit.

"You get cleaned up and I'll go make you something to eat." He stood and walked out the door, shutting it softly.

I finally got up, stretching slowly and yawning. Get cleaned up... I went to the dresser and opened up the top drawer. Socks and underwear. Lucky for me, it so happened to be the clothing of a female so there were clean bras. Never had I been happier to put on a clean bra in my life. I sifted through the other drawers finding a pair of dark overalls and a baggy blue longsleeve shirt made of a warm, soft material. I made my way to the second door in the room and it opened up into a decent bathroom with a shower, toilet, and sink. I set the clothes on the counter and looked in the mirror. I was still in just my underwear and covered in bandages. It looked like he hadn't changed them today. He probably was going to do it before if I hadn't woke up. I grabbed the first aide kit from the nightstand before locking the door, starting a piping hot shower and taking off the bandages.. For the first time in a long time I felt relaxed. The hot water rushing over me was calming and being able to clean myself was marvelous. I scrubbed my hair and body to get rid of the dry blood and of the memory. I was careful to not reopen any wounds and soon enough exited the shower. I dried myself off and dressed my wounds and put on the clothes I had brought in. The bra fit well as did the underwear. The overalls were a little baggy but they worked. The shirt was just baggy enough that the sleeves hung over my hands a bit. It seemed not to be a women's shirt though, the collar was close to my neck and it wasn't tighter in certain places. It was generally very comfy. I brushed out my hair and tied it up in a knot before heading out of the room. The room was one of many in a hall and it was upstairs. I found the stairs, trying not to fall down them, and reached the ground floor. I followed the smell of food and found Bucky in the kitchen making eggs and toast. I padded across the kitchen and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned his head slightly, giving a small smile before turning his attention back to the eggs.

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