Chapter 7 - Broken Ribs and Backstabbing(literally)

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A/N: okay a little longer than ten seconds but here


~Bucky POV~

"Bucky..." She mumbles before going unconscious.

I carry her to the infirmary where Stark and his friend take care of her. I stay there while they do, my mind wandering. Ever since we arrived here I've had this strange feeling. I mean, I just don't feel like I belong. All of these people are heroes. The man with the metal suit, the green dude, f.ucking captain america. And what am I? I'm just a ghost, a villain, a murderer who they brought in like a stray dog. I'm the thing people worry about when they walk about the streets in the dark, I'm the thing hiding in the closet. I'm a monster.

And yet, this girl, a figure from my past who knows and has seen what I've done, she doesn't care. Because she was there too. She understands more than anyone ever could. And I couldn't even remember her name. We used to be so close, I can almost remember the time we spent together. There are only segments of her. Giving me food. Sitting next to me and laughing. Holding my hand while they wiped my memory. But in an instant they are gone and I don't know anymore. It's like reading half of the inside flap of a book and then having said book taken from you and being told you couldn't read it. And all you know is a name, or a place.

"That's the problem." Tony yells, bringing me out of my thoughts. "You didn't just break one rib, you broke most of her ribcage!!" The red haired one's face goes white and she immediately starts apologizing to the unconscious Y/n. I look towards her. Tony has some machine over her while his friend writes some stuff down.

For some reason, I feel worried. What am I worried about? I didn't even know I could feel emotions anymore. But I feel it, and it isn't a pleasant feeling. It must be the girl, Y/n. She has this strange effect on me. Since I first saw her, I've felt like jumping off a cliff. I get so frustrated around her, but I don't know why. And when she laughs or smiles it makes me want to smile. It's so confusing, after not feeling emotion having to try to understand all of this.. It was almost better having no emotion. Then I wouldn't have to know why she makes me feel like jumping off a cliff. But having emotions is something that has to happen for me to be myself again.

I look towards her and it finally sets in how badly she is hurt. Her entire ribcage? They can fix that right? I move to sit next to her and grab her hand. I don't know why but this feels right. I sit in deep thought for the entirety of the tests and medical procedures. I don't even realize what time it is until Steve tells me I should probably sleep and that he can stay with her while I do. I nod, letting go of her hand and wandering to the room I've been sleeping in. I look at the clock on the nightstand. 11:48 PM. I sat there all day? Not really that surprising, time is just a blur to me. I have no concept of time having been frozen over and over. I know how passes so quickly, I can't comprehend it.

I quickly change into some clothes that had been left here for me. A pair of sweatpants and a plain white shirt. I then get into the bed, alone with my thoughts yet again. But instead of dwelling on my past as usual, I fall asleep. Only to be woke by nightmares and not get any sleep.

I stay with Y/n for a couple more days but she stays asleep. When no one else is there I talk to her. It makes me feel better knowing that someone will listen even if she can't exactly hear me. I sit holding her hand for two full days. I don't leave to sleep, I just don't. I have nightmares and can't sleep anyways so why leave? Finally someone forces me to go and try to sleep, and surprisingly I do, without any nightmares.

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