Chapter 11 - A Long Journey

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hello there friendos. this will end soon. the end is nye. bill nye.

We were back on the road, but not for long. As we drove down the longest, most desolate highway the bike sputtered and we ran out of gas. As we slowed to a stop I groaned and yelled some not so nice words at the bike. I dismounted, my legs not cooperating, and fell to my knees. Pain flared in my thigh and shoulder. I resisted the urge to cry out from it and called for Bucky.

"Houston, we have a problem."

He just looked over to me and tilted his head. "I'm hurt you shít now get over here!" I yelled through clenched teeth.

He walked towards me and crouched to my level.

"Back there, the hydra facility. You kind of stabbed me. A lot. And now I can't walk. Big gash in my thigh. Wasn't a problem. Until now." I spoke in short sentences, trying to focus on continuing breathing. My head felt like it was being kicked repeatedly and my vision was slightly blurring. "We have to go somewhere, fix me up."

I looked up to his face and he nodded, scooping me up and holding me bridal style. I flushed red and tried to not think about it but failed. Bucky started to walk the direction we were headed and I sighed. This is going to be a long walk.

Despite what you may think, traveling through the desert is not a fun experience. For one, it's boring as fück. 30 minutes in I decided to make a pros and cons list. Here it is.



• Its hotter than a family of 12 in a minivan on a 9  hour car trip

• The amount of discomfort I felt was unreal. The sweat combined with the hot leather of Bucky's outfit was extremely uncomfortable.

• The lack of scenery makes me want to die. Looking at the same barren dirt road and horizon is so boring.

• The sweat that's getting into my stab wounds is stinging and blood is getting everywhere

That's my list, thank you.

~time skip brought to you by me, the trash can.~

I fell asleep after a few hours. I kept the complaints in my head though I knew Bucky could hear them. I could hear his thoughts now, too. He didn't have many, but they were mostly in response to things I thought. For example, "I'm so fücking hot I WANT TO DIE. I won't let you die that would be irresponsible." or "i wish you hadn't stabbed me earlier now I have blood all over and this was my favorite shirt. Sorry about that. I really wish I hadn't stabbed you either." He was really vague or bland when speaking, when he spoke. Er, thought. But I enjoyed having someone else know my thoughts without having to tell them. Well, not all of them.

After some time I awoke from a dream where I was at Walmart and the clerk wouldn't let me buy batteries and a dog bed because my money got denied. Like actual cash. Anyways, I was being jostled around and I was just kinda flopping around because I was unconscious. I opened my eyes to see a change of scenery. Instead of an empty endless expanse of dirt there were brick walls, windows, household furniture. We had to have made it to a town. I had been set down on a couch moments before but Bucky was nowhere to be seen. I tried to sit up but the way I was sleeping made my neck and back all sore plus my wounds were full of dirt so it was just general pain all over my body. I fell back down with a hiss and tried to asses my wounds. I had the two stab wounds; one in my shoulder one in my leg, various healing scars and cuts from whatever torture I had endured, various bruises and scrapes and maybe some deep enough cuts in my legs that they would need to be stitched. There was a throbbing pain in my back other than the pain from how I slept. As I reached a hand back there my fingers found the spot where the pain was coming from. Another hiss in pain as they skimmed the surface, going down slightly and making contact with something metal. What the frick? I'd been shot, and I didn't even notice it until now. The adrenaline rush from escape must have made me either forget or not feel it happen entirely. When I pulled my hand away it was covered in blood. Not good. I'd probably lost too much blood and this wasn't helping.

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