Chapter 4 - Tony Stark, everyone.

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A/N: Sorry about the long wait! I had to turn in my school computer and I haven't been able to write as quickly on my phone. Anyways, heres the

next chapter!


We all know Tony, he's not the type to have a little two story house in the suburbs. He's got a tower. A whole freaking tower all to himself. Not to mention his other huge ass home with an ocean view, like, all around. But the tower. it's so huge, I mean at least 18 stories. It used to have his name on it, but it all got knocked off in the battle with the aliens and stuff. So now its the Avengers Tower, and it has a huge ass A on the front. It seems that Tony just can't do anything normal. He just has to show off for the peasants. Anyways.

We pull up to the tower and I am astonished. Its huge. Like 80 stories high. And the A I was talking about before, it's bigger than my car. Jesus, Tony. What ever happened to the cute little house you lived in when we were kids? I pull up the drive and see Tony standing outside the building. .

"Hey." I hit the soldier who's been asleep for the past seven hours. Man this is annoying. I'm just going to call him Winter. The soldier just sounds too dramatic and mysterious.

He jerks up, eyes half closed and mumbling something about how he wasn't sleeping only resting his eyes.

"Okay whatever you say Mr. "I slept the entire 7 hour car ride here".

He grumbles but opens the car door. We get out of the car and I wave to Tony.

"Ah Y/N. It's good to see you." He says as we approach.

When I'm close enough he smirks and ruffles my hair, thoroughly messing it up.

"You too." I say with a smile and punch him in the arm. I fix my hair while he is unfazed by my weak punch.

"Well, if it isn't old metal arm himself." He looks towards Winter, expecting a response.

Winter rolls his eyes and doesn't respond, only shaking his head and looking away from him.

"Touchy. Anyway, lets go inside. Steve should be here any minute. "

He leads us to the front door of the massive building and we are immediately met with dozens of busy people. I guess its only half Tony's personal paradise. We go to an elevator and it takes us up to the top floor, whizzing past more business floors. When it dings, we exit the elevator, revealing a huge, open living room and kitchen and a bar. Not to mention the balcony and huge glass windows, expensive furniture, decor, and electronics that line the place.

"Woah, why didn't you tell me about this place Tony? I'd have moved in years ago had I known." I say with a smirk.

"No matter how old you are you will always mooch off of me, won't you?"

"You know it." I say, turning to Winter who's standing next to me next to me.

"Winter? How you doing? You've been silent since we got here."

He raises an eyebrow at me, confused by the nickname. He takes a breath before answering.

"Im fine. It's just a little, distressing, I guess, to know that someone who knows who I am and can tell me is here. After not knowing for so long, Its just so unreal." He says, eyes wandering across the huge room before us.

"I get it. It sucks to have everything you know ripped from underneath you and have something completely new shoved in your face. " I say, walking further in.

"Have a seat, make yourself at home. Hell, anyone want a drink?" Tony says, wandering over to the bar and grabbing a bottle of whiskey.

"No thanks, uh, you?" I direct the question towards Winter.

He shrugs. "Sure."

Tony grabs two glasses, filling them and walking around the bar to us, handing one to Winter.

He says a quiet thank you and takes a sip. I sit on the couch and set my bags on the coffee table. I lay back and close my eyes. I feel someone sit next to me and look over to see Winter. I give a small smile before returning to my previous position. He talks to Tony, who is fascinated by his arm. He has a hard time talking about it but he tries the best he can.

It reminds me of back when we worked for HYDRA. Neither of us really knew anything outside of killing and training so we used to sneak into one of the offices and look at recent news on the internet.. That's where we first heard about Steve. We saw his picture and Winter just went silent. I asked him if he had ever heard of this guy and he said yeah, but he couldn't tell me where from. I asked if he maybe knew him before joining HYDRA and he went cold, storming out of the office. I left, not before deleting all traces of us, and every time after when I asked about his past he'd just shut me down, either by changing the subject or leaving the room.

After a few moments of silence I hear the elevator ping and Winter practically jumps from the couch. I open my eyes and look over to the door. Blond hair, iconic blue eyes. Winter lets out a shaky breath and stares intently at the man. The man turns his head to us and he about falls over.

"Bucky." He says and I look to Winter.

His eyes are looking past everyone and everything, except Steve. He's trembling again, but this time he doesn't try to control it. His eyes dart to the side before he speaks.

"Steve. It's good to see you again ya punk."


And that ends the chapter. Its probs going to take some time to write on mobile so it might be another 10 days. Oh well. xx


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