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Friday, 25 May 2007

Dear diary,
So sorry I didn't write after we had a challenge. Our challenge was 3 days ago, and we had to stay up FOREVER. Literally, the challenge lasted three days so now we have to do the NEXT challenge when we barely got any sleep last night! I got maybe three hours? Everyone's so grumpy as we're waking up, and I REALLY don't wanna do this challenge. I'd rather catch up on all the sleep I lost. But I think if I put my makeup on and take a shower, it'll help me wake up a little. I can't let my team lose a stupid challenge because of the previous stupid challenge. Anyways, over the last three days, I started an alliance with the two girls on my team: Lindsay and Beth. They're both too dumb to realize that I'm using them for the game, so I figured why not? Once we're the last three, I'll drop them like they're nothing to me because it's true. I heard them tell the dumbest stories about all their friends while we tried to stay up the first night, and I couldn't stand listening to them. I don't get why people feel the need to talk about their friends in front of others. It's like they're bragging about how many friends they have. It's so majorly annoying. The good news is that we won. Gwen, weird goth girl, was actually useful for once and stayed up the longest. I easily got Eva, their strongest, kicked off the other team by stealing her MP3 player and making her angry at her teammates. I can't believe how fun it is to watch everyone run around aimlessly while I play them like violins.
xoxo, Heather

Dear diary,
We played dodgeball today, and my incompetent team LOST because of Lindsiot! That's what I'm gonna call her from now on. I think it's such a clever name on my part. Although she's insanely pretty- it's really not fair how pretty she is- she has absolutely NOTHING going on up there. She snuck off with this idiot guy in a red tracksuit FROM THE OTHER TEAM, and I had to put an end to whatever they were doing. I literally told her the other day that she can't Inter-team date because he could easily get her to spill all of our secrets and ruin it for me. Another big reason that our team lost was because of Noah, this bookworm who thinks he's the smartest person on earth. He literally just sat on the bench and read the entire time. I feel like most of my team really doesn't care about winning the money. I wish I was on a team with people who actually want to do something with their sad lives. Now that I've gotten to know my teammates more, I can accurately label them as I see them.

Owen: a happy-go-lucky guy who can't even run one lap without collapsing because he's like 1,000 pounds.

Izzy: A complete psycho. I don't know how she's not in an insane asylum yet.

Cody: Some dweeb loser who thinks he can get any girl.

Justin: Hot, but an idiot. A waste of space and totally useless.

Beth: Sweet, but so desperate to fit in. It's cute, really, but with a face like hers, there's no way.

Noah: Useless. He claimed to have brains, but he never showed them, so we voted him off.

Lindsay: So gorgeous. She has potential, but her stupidity ruins it.

LeShawna: I can't even stand to think of her. She thinks she can push me around! I won't forget that she pushed me off that cliff in the first challenge. She's literally the most annoying person I've ever met.

Trent: He's talented and honestly kind of cute, but I don't know much about him. Ok, I kind of like him, but it's just a little crush. I think he probably likes me. Who wouldn't?

Gwen: Ughhh, she thinks she's the stuff. She's such a try hard, and she thinks she's too cool for anything, but all she needs to do is look in the mirror. Her goth style honestly makes me want to barf.

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